Wanted code for html program that would enhance metacode and page ranking
Please email me if you have a solution or some idea on what program language can be used to insert into the html code a program that will cause teh search engines to pick up the website. Or if you know of some books and comuer progamers that are published authors that can assist me in this little quest as it were to crack this code. Meta code is necessary but ther must be more that can be added. Couldn't the website that we have published to the web also serchin for the search engine. AS a function of time in a continuous mode or in butrsts. if the computers are tryng to shake hands as it were to link up what king of enhanced signal or transmission rate can be sent from our website to the net. I know this is conceptual but someone must have some knowledge that could put this in a new light or perspective.
Re: Wanted code for html program that would enhance metacode and page ranking
Though the wording is different, there seems to be no new questions that aren't answered in the active thread on this subject.
May 6, 2007 - 7:13PM
Re: Wanted code for html program that would enhance metacode and page ranking
Get a domain, not a sub domain
Shorten the name
Have popular reciprocal links within the index page
Content should parallel domain name
etc... etc... etc... etc...