This is my second time posting this because no one responded before. If someone could please help me out or point me into the direction if something that could I would greatly appreciate it.... this is probably pretty simple to most of you but I need some help. I'm using the webpage wizzard because I couldn't get the other to work right. My first question is... when I'm linking a graphic to another page, how do I make the neon blue/purple outline go away? I could do this in AOLPress by clicking an unlink button but I can't figure it out here. My second question is... how do I make a link show up at the bottom of the screen, like when doing a mouseover, without actually linking it? I want to give artists credit for certain graphics but I don't want to have them all linked... I just want the web address to show... do you know what I'm talkin about? If anyone could help me with these two things I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks so much in advance!
The "outline" is a border. Because links have colors, the image is bordered in the link colors. In your image tag, add the attribute border=0 inside the image tag and it will go away
About the "unlinked link", I don't know off hand how to make the mouseover text that appears at the bottom, or if it can even be done if it's not a link. But what you can do is put the alt attribute in your image. This is always a good idea and should be in all of your image tag. What will happen is, when the image is moused over the alt text will appear on the screen.
I just realized when proofing this post, that the alt thing doesn't work in all browsers...probably only IE. But you should still use it. I will try to find a better solution for what you wanted and I'll post back
THANK YOU SOO MUCH! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I'm am a work right now and can't try it yet but I'm going to see what I can do when I get home. Thanks again. If you ever need anything just lemme know and I would be glad to link to your site on my credits page if you would like me to.