Liz's Anti Britney Forum


Liz's Anti Britney Forum
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Hello liz.
I am you.
I am hear to tell you your true being just like you assume you are the unabler for others to quiestion and scratch at this celeberties right of being.
The truth is Britany Spears is hotter then you.
It's even a posibility that your husband fantasises about her while making love to you. You can ask him and he may denie the truth, but she is somthing much more remarkable to look at then you even with a bold head.

I saw your picture.
Your quit a sack of celutlite and lard. your legs look gross and there a big turn off. It's not my opinion it's just a random man's opinion. If i were a lezbion i would never go for you because your legs are hidious, your stomache looks like a sack of lard, and you ass is big because of the bulcky and lard like natural figure you have. Your husband probably ****s other women just to satisfy his longing for a hot wife. Hes pretty much, to good for you. Your child is pretty ******* ugly to. It looks like it got dropped on its head at afterbirth .
When it grows up it will probably be imbarassed to walk through the mall or even in public with your bulky ass.
You may write a bad letter about me after the truth is though i am a tall blue-green eyed blonde with a skinny yet curvy figure. I am a european disendent with both parents who are not over weight and embarasing to be with like yourself. Now you met your true reality. Now you may want to leave and countinue your shamful life and take down this site. I know you put it up because your soul wants to be in her body. it is ashamed to walk with you in your shoes. Even though her life has been burnt by rumors and dumb choices i still rather **** her and have my babby with her OVER YOu anytime .
Go down into your whole you fulish discrace
You've met your reality.
Your inocently jelous of her being thats why you make fun of her because you innerly wish your husband would desire you more like he desires womenly figures like her, and you wish your conceived child was better looking like her.
Go die..
Actually don't..
because nobody would really want to take you in the afterlife.
Bye Bye hunny i have to go (L)


Re: YourBrutalTruth

Get a life ((( )))