Liz's Anti Britney Forum


Liz's Anti Britney Forum
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Protest The New Britney Spears Reality show on UPN

I encourage anyone who absolutely hates Britney Spears
as much as I do to go to to send email to the
producers at UPN to unschedule the Reality show for this
Fall. I do not want to see their so-called Proclamation of
Love it is Ludicrous! Go to the site and on the bottom
right hand corner you'll see a way to send comments I
believe it says "Have Something To Say?"

Re: Protest The New Britney Spears Reality show on UPN

Check out the site I've posted my respone to the show!


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I encourage anyone who absolutely hates Britney Spears
as much as I do to go to to send email to the
producers at UPN to unschedule the Reality show for this
Fall. I do not want to see their so-called Proclamation of
Love it is Ludicrous! Go to the site and on the bottom
right hand corner you'll see a way to send comments I
believe it says "Have Something To Say?"

Re: Re: Protest The New Britney Spears Reality show on UPN

Do not encourage Britney for god sakes !!!!!!!!!!<
She's not a role model to follow. The way she dress and the lyrics that she sings are terrible. They don't mean A THING. Encourage REAL music, an artist that writes its own songs is much better like U2 per exemple or sarah mkconkilin. PLEASE NO BRITNEY ON TV