Liz's Anti Britney Forum


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Britney Spears is Trailer Trash!

Britney Spears is trailer trash!
Without the hair dye or cheezy clothes,
she'd be waitin' for the bus on the side of the road!
I don't know why people like her, she is just so "ewwww."
She's prob'ly had lice and her socks are all goo!
Who does she think she is taking all the kids money?
She ain't nothin' special and she sure ain't no honey!
A trashy little tramp who copies everyone else.
She'd be working at Wal-mart if she didn't have help!
Where's your trailer Britney, in lot 48?
With trash in the yard and a broken down gate?
She's got bubble gum stuffed between her toes -
But she thinks she's so hot she turns up her nose!
She likes to go "Boom Boom" in her little room,
What a STUPID song - Boom Boom, are you an 8 year old?
Oh, I'm so sorry 8 year olds cuz 8 year olds could write a better song!
Stupid Britney, commercial ditz - miss popularity.
Be a chamelion, you don't even know who you are!
Cheap little outfits make you a plastic star!
But I know your little secret Britney - you're just trailer trash, and you're a wannabe.