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Marker Dedication Service at Advance Methodist Church for Jonathan Lafayette Vogler

Greetings Members of the 28th NC Troops!

I just wanted to send out a reminder about the Marker Dedication Service at Advance Methodist Church for Jonathan Lafayette Vogler who served in Co. K 21st NCT.
The Service is this Saturday, August 2nd at 2PM and we are requesting that all re-enactors be there around 1PM to inspect and prepare.

Directions: 1911 N Carolina 801, Advance, NC 27006.

The Yadkin Gray Eagles and the requesting descendent, Jim Jones of Advance, NC are deeply appreciative of any re-enactors who can help with honor guard duty for the special occasion.

Many family members and friends of Jim plan to attend, with an anticipated crowd of 200+ people.

Tim Webb plans to be there with his artillery crew to assist as well.
Danny and Eva Casstevens will provide some period music, with Andrew Cheek providing taps at the service.

Members of the Church will also provide a meal in the social hall following the service. You will not go away hungry as this is a pot luck dinner served up by members of the church and family!

Please contact me at you earliest convenience I you can participate, have questions, or need help with directions.

I look forward to hopefully seeing you there, and thanks again for your consideration on this!

Greg Cheek
Commander Yadkin Gray Eagles Camp 1765
Mobil: 336-428-2026