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The 9th Annual Raid on Rockford

Greetings 28th NC,

I just wanted to pause and reflect on our successful event this past weekend.

The fellowship of our great unit was very much needed and was a great way to kick off the 1864 season. A special welcome to Sean and Brittany. Glad to have yall two aboard.

Thanks goes out to Pvt Harris for breakfast both mornings! I look forward to working with you in battles to come.

Thanks to Lt. Wilson, Sgt Seth, and our two nurses for providing us a surgeon when needed and care when we are wounded. The cherry cobbler was great too!

The General Store is always great! I picked up some Fried Apple pies this time and they were great as always!

A big applause goes to Lt. Greg Cheek (glad you are back to duty) for preparing the Bond School House event. Everyone who took part in it enjoyed it. Mr. Brown was in tears when he came by and thanked each one of us for putting this event on. That is what it is all about!

Kermit did an outstanding job at the church service Sunday. I believe the Lord was with us right there and then and we needed to hear His Word.

It was also great to meet Ms. Quinn! What a beauty! The 1st Sgt is surrounded by lovely ladies!

And most of all, it was good just to see all my pards in the 28th, some I've seen recently and some I haven't seen.

I look forward to our future movements and trust we will whip those yanks yet!

3rd Sgt Duckworth