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Our next two opportunities to serve the Old North State are coming up soon!

Saturday, Nov 30, is the date of the Midway, NC, Christmas parade. Casey Becknell has asked that we turn out in force so that we might be able to lead off the parade! He asks that we meet up at 10 am to get everything lined up. The parade steps off at 1 pm. We will be allowed to fire during the march! I've marched in this parade before and, let me tell you, it is a Confederate friendly crowd! Please help out if you can!

Dec 1 is the date of the Jamestown, NC, Christmas parade. Once again, this is a friendly crowd and we fire many times during the route of the march. After the parade, our members have all been invited to Sgt Brian and Mrs Lori Henderson's house there in High Point for a 28th NCT Christmas dinner! I sincerely thank the Henderson's for hosting and preparing the meal for us! It's always delicious, just like Mrs Lori's meals in camp! The suggestion has been made to have a 28th NCT Board of Directors meeting during or after the meal, so, if you're on the board, make sure you plan to attend!