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JEB is this coming weekend Oct 4-6!!!!

From Lt Cheek: Greetings members of the 28th North Carolina Troops!

As you may know, the past week has been interesting for me, with the trip to the Hospital last Sunday with an intestinal obstruction. I finally came home on Friday and am doing fine so far. At this point I am very appreciative of all the prayers, and ask that you keep them coming, as I may need some followup treatments.

Anyway, as JEB is this coming weekend, I wanted to remind everyone that we have commited to helping the event with Federal numbers.

You may bring both sets of uniforms, but defintely come prepared to fight as FEDERAL ("blue meanies").

Registration is FREE for Federal impression, but we still need to get a headcount ASAP in order help the event planners.

PLEASE call me or email me to let me know if you plan to attend!!!!

I am looking forward to seeing you on the field.

In your service,

Your Fight'n Adjutant

Lt. Greg Cheek

28 NC

cell 336-428-2026