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I received some news last night that I thought I should share with you:

I received some news last night that I thought I should share with you:

From Jeffrey Frank:
Spoke with Scott Ellis a few minutes ago. They were rear-ended this morning (Monday morning on the way home from Chickamauga) by a tractor-trailer about 50-60 miles North of Atlanta. Their trailer was totaled, contents in the woods. Able to drive truck. Heading back their now with U-haul trailer to salvage what they can of trailer contents.

I'll post some comments about the 150th Chickamauga event when I get a chance. Scott and Lori fed the 13th and 28th NC Troops over the weekend, breakfasts and suppers (wouldn't accept any contributions towards expenses!), and provided much appreciated shelter under their fly during the rainy Saturday morning.

I also heard from Lois yesterday that Greg was back in the hospital. He went in Sunday with afib but they are keeping him there to treat him for an intestinal blockage. Please help us pray that this issue resolves itself without the need for surgery.

Please keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you,


Re: I received some news last night that I thought I should share with you:

I went to visit with Greg today. He's still dealing with a partial intestinal blockage. Still don't know if surgery is going to be required. He says to tell y'all the the Adjutant is still fighting!