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Info for those attending BGA 150th Gettysburg!


A major part of the planning details for our involvement at the BGA Gettysburg have been finalized. I am writing this to pass along what I can at this time.

I have been honored to have command as Battalion Commander in the 1st Corps, 1st Division, 1st brigade, 3rd battalion. (This is a change...make note of 3rd Battalion).

Our Battalion brethren will be:

12th Va Co B

12th Va Co C

8th Va Co F and I

24th Va (w/12th NC)

14th NC (ANV Unit)

CS Marines Co B (falling in with 12th Va Co. B)

CS Marines Co C (falling in with 12th Va Co. C)

Total registration of these units indicates that we can anticipate 130-140 Military folks in 3rd battalion.

I and the other 3rd Battalion staff will be on-site mid-day Wednesday afternoon. When you get to 1st Corps camp, look for my white sign that will be posted outside of camp.

There is a camp map posted on the event website and attached to this email. Camping will be in open field, not woods. Camping WILL be tight, lets please minimize the space we occupy as best we can. ONE fire per camp, between officer's row and enlisted tent rows. Leave room for an emergency vehicle between fly and fire.

Event website for much more info:

Event Address for GPS: 1845 Pumping Station Road, Gettysburg, PA

Event emergency number is: 850-396-3224

People can text to this number as well for information.

We will be participating in 5 battle scenarios:

Buford's Delay Friday June 28 - 8:30 AM

Culp's Hill Friday June 28 - 8:00 PM

Peach Orchard - Saturday June 29 - 4:15 PM

Crushing Humphrey's Division - Saturday June 29 - 5:00 PM

Pickett/Pettigrew/Trimble Charge - Sunday June 30 - 12:30 PM

Military please bring 200-300 cartridges, make sure you fill your box for the Saturday battles as they will flow into each other.

If you registered online PLEASE print and bring your paypal reciept "just in case" there is a mixup with names at registration!

There is a waiver form attached, please print, fill out, and bring to registration with you to speed things up.

There is a medical form on the website; make sure you have either this or the 12th va one with you at all times at the event.

Make SURE you bring plenty of water. If you have room to bring some firewood, it wouldnt be a bad idea as it MAY run short. Ice will be available in camps although it may involve a walk to get it. It WILL be very difficult to get in and out of the event site, make sure you have what you need when you get there. Pro-tip...fill your gas tank before you get there...lines may be long getting out.

Read and heed the attached event rules. A note on the alcohol ban...nobody is going to come around and sniff your cup...but if you act like a fool or are seen with obvious containers in hand you should expect to be kicked out of the event site. Discretion...

The earlier you get there, the better. Camps close to vehicles 4:30pm Friday but at that point it will be near impossible to get a vehicle in, anyways.

There WILL be mandatory provost/guard duty for all companies. This will be limited, and hopefully we will have enough volunteers to make it work, but if asked and you can help for a couple hours, please do so. Its a big part of what the soldiers we represent had to do, so make it "part of the event".

For specific company questions, please refer to your company commanders and 1st Sergeants. Otherwise feel free to call or email me, I will try to answer as best as I can.


Steve Haden