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GAC 150th Gettysburg Reenactment

1st Legion, P.A.C.S.

Circular No. 3}

The following circular is for the upcoming 150th Gettysburg Reenactment; all command elements of the Confederate Army are directed to follow this circular unless otherwise amended by Confederate Headquarters.


Brigadier General Brian Gesuero, Commanding

1st Division
Major General Jake Jennette, commanding
Colonel Neil Sunderland, AAG

1st Division, Army of Northern Virginia

1st Brigade
Brigadier General Potts
4th Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia

2nd Brigade
Brigadier General Perry
7th Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia
3rd Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia

3rd Brigade
Brigadier General Rathbun
10th Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia
9th Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia
6th Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia

4th Brigade
Brigadier General McElwee
1st Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia
2nd Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia

2nd Division
Major General Gregory Bair, commanding
Major David Reitz, Adjutant

1st Brigade
Brigadier General Dave Julian

1st Regiment
Colonel David Knapp
Provisional Army of the Confederate States

2nd Regiment
Colonel Duane Clark
Independent Guard Battalion

3rd Regiment
Colonel James Carver
Fighting First Regiment

2nd Brigade
Major General Tom Doss

1st Regiment
General Kenny Doss
Armies of Tennessee
Alabama Division

2nd Regiment
General Michael Lawson
Army of the Shenandoah

3rd Regiment
Colonel Clay Kearny

Brigadier General Tom Alexander, commanding
Major Ron Hann, Adjutant
Major Ted Matkowski, Chief Engineer
Major Gary Wright, Provost and Inspections

1st Battalion
Major Ron Hann
1st Arkansas Artillery
1st Maryland Artillery
1st Virginia Artillery
2nd Co. Richmond Howitzers
2nd Maryland Artillery
4th Maryland Artillery
Edenton Bell Battery
Charlotte Artillery
Battery B, CS Marines
Battery B, CS Marines
Bledsoe’s Battery
Stanford’s Battery
Waccama Light Artillery
Marion Light Artillery
MacBeth SC Light Artillery
Staunton Artillery

2nd Battalion
Colonel Dwight Nesbit
18th Virginia Artillery
1st Virginia Light Artillery
1st Virginia Light Artillery
55th Virginia Artillery, Co. B
55th Virginia Artillery, Co. M
Alexander’s Battery
Donaldson’s Light Artillery
Hurt’s Battery
Knibb’s Battery
Latham’s Battery
Norfolk Light Artillery Blues
Northampton Artillery
Jordan’s Battery
Peninsula Artillery

3rd Battalion
Major Jimmy Picking
1st Illinois, Battery D
Bankhead’s Battery
Hart’s Battery
Kanawaha Artillery, Battery D
McClanahan’s Battery
Norfolk Light Artillery Blues
Pelham’s Battery
Pillow’s Flying Battery
Purcell’s Battery
Turner’s Battery, 1st MS Light Artillery
Valley Division Artillery
Wyatt’s Battery, 1st VA Artillery, Co. H
Pulaski’s Battery
Carpenter’s Battery
Pee Dee Light Artillery
1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery

4th Battalion
Colonel Paul “Maddog” Rice
Stuart’s Horse Artillery
12th Texas Artillery
Terry’s Texas Rangers, Co. H
Riley’s Battery

Brigadier General Doug Nalls, commanding
Major Michael Schramm, Adjutant

Krasner's Wing (Dismounted)
Major Steve Krasner, Commanding
Colonel Shane Tharp, Assistant Commander

1st Virginia Cavalry, Co. D
1st Virginia Cavalry, Co. A, Valley Rangers
1st Virginia Cavalry, Co. M
2nd Kentucky
2nd Texas Cavalry, Co. A
3rd Tennessee Cavalry
3rd Tennessee Cavalry
4th Alabama Cavalry, Co. B
4th Tennessee Cavalry
4th Virginia Cavalry, Co. A
5th Virginia Cavalry
6th Tennessee Cavalry, Co. C
6th Virginia Cavalry
7th Virginia Cavalry, Co. A
10 Tennessee, Co. B
10th Tennessee Volunteers
11th Texas Cavalry
15th Virginia Cavalry, Co. H
17th Virginia Cavalry, Co. H
18th Virginia Cavalry
35th Virginia Co. B
Alabama Division
Texas Brigade

Fey's Wing
Lt. Colonel David Fey, Commanding
Major Jim McGlincy, Asst. Commander

1st Alabama Cavalry
1st Alabama Cavalry, Co. M
1st Maryland Cavalry, Co. A & E
1st Maryland, Co. A
1st Maryland, Co. C
1st North Carolina Cavalry
1st North Carolina Cavalry, Co. D
1st North Carolina Cavalry, Co. I
4th Alabama, Co. M
5th Alabama Battalion
5th Virginia, Co. D
7th Georgia Cavalry
8th Texas Cavalry, Co. H
10th Virginia Cavalry, Co. H
12th Virginia Cavalry
13th Virginia Cavalry, Co. I
14th Virginia Cavalry
14th Virginia Cavalry, Co. H
18th Virginia
34th North Carolina
35th Virginia Cavalry, Co. A
Chickasaw Rangers
Shelby’s 5th Missouri Cavalry

Hauser's Wing
Lt. Colonel Dave Hauser, Commanding
Major Mike Brown, Asst. Commander

1st Alabama Cavalry, Co. M
1st Virginia Cavalry, Co. H
2nd South Carolina Cavalry
2nd Virginia Cavalry, Co. C
4th North Carolina Cavalry
4th Virginia Cavalry, Co. D
4th Virginia, Little Fork Rangers
6th Georgia Cavalry
10th Confederate Cavalry

Re: GAC 150th Gettysburg Reenactment

43rd Virginia, Co. A
Hampton’s Legion
Brown’s Brigade

Colonel Patrick Davis, Chief of Staff
Major Dale Foxwell, Senior Aide
Major Robert Cooley, Adjutant General
Colonel Andy Peterson, Aide de Camp
Major Stan Daywalt, Aide de Camp
Major Paul Glenn, Aide de Camp
Major Ken Obenland, Chief of Provost and Inspections
Major Rick Rickard, Chief Quartermaster
Major John Moss, Chief of Couriers
Major Ted Matkowski, Chief Engineer
Captain Bruce Yealy, Chief Surgeon
Captain Buddy Cook, Chief Signal Officer
Lieutenant Andrew Davis, Adjutants Department
Lieutenant Jason Foxwell, Adjutants Department
Sergeant Chris Taylor, Chief Bugler

~Division and Branch Commander Information~

Site Arrivals: The Army Staff will begin arriving on site Friday, June 28th. Division, Branch and Brigade Staff personnel may begin arriving on Monday, July 1st. All others may begin arriving on Tuesday, July 2 with the opening of registration at 8 AM. The Confederate Camp will go full military as of Thursday morning, July 4th. Confederate Headquarters will lead by example.

Staff: Each Division and Branch Commander is responsible for forming a functioning Staff for the event. The names of the staff members should be provided to the Army Chief of Staff, Colonel Patrick Davis, prior to the event. It is recommended that at a minimum the staff consist of a Chief of Staff, Adjutant, Provost/Safety and Quarter Master.

Camping Areas: Each Division and Branch Commander will be assigned a camp area, and will be responsible for allocating camping space for organizations assigned to their respective Division or Branch within that assigned area. In no instance will any organization occupy a piece of land without it being assigned by the Chief Quartermaster, Provisional Army of the Confederate States. If you do so you will be asked to move. 30’ company streets are applicable, diagram below.

Quartermaster Meeting: Quartermasters from each Division and Branch shall meet with Major Rick Rickards, Chief Quartermaster, at Army Headquarters on Wednesday, July 3rd, at noon.

Provost / Safety Meeting: The officer assigned to Provost / Safety from each Division and Branch shall meet with Major Ken Obenland, Chief of Provost and Inspections, at Army Headquarters on Wednesday, July 3rd, at 12:30 PM.

Division and Branch Commanders Meetings: Division and Branch Commanders shall meet with the Commanding General at Army Headquarters, under arms, on the following days and times;
Thursday, July 4th at 9 AM
Friday, July 5th at 9 AM
Saturday, July 6th at 9 AM
Sunday, July 7th at 10 AM

Battlefield Tour: The will be a “boots on the ground” battlefield tour for Division and Branch Commanders on Wednesday, July 3rd at 6 PM. This is an informal meeting that will begin at Army Headquarters. We will be joined by the Federal Staffs on the field. Please feel free to invite Brigade and Battalion Commanders and staff. This is a good opportunity to get a feel for the ground we will be fighting on and get to meet our opponents.

Morning Reports: Each Division and Branch Adjutant will be responsible for turning in a Divisional Morning Report by 9 AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Please direct your reports to Major Bob Cooley, Adjutant General, at Army Headquarters. Major Cooley will have the proper form (Standard ANV Form No. 4) on hand for those that need them.

EMS: There will be three EMS stations on site. Their locations will be near the Federal Camp, near the Redding Farm House and near the Confederate Camp. The EMS stations will be manned 24/7 during the event. In the event of a medical emergency that takes place on site, the call for EMS will be dispatched via radio. In the event of a medical emergency that takes place on the battlefield during a scenario, the following protocol will be in effect; Non life threatening or minor injuries: Yellow Flag System, Scenario continues, period EMS intervention, treat on battlefield and transport after scenario. Serious or Life threatening injuries: Red flag with yellow trim system, scenario stops/cease fire, modern EMS intervention.

Canteens: As we all know, Gettysburg in July can be hot. We always inspect our troops to make sure they have full canteens before leaving camp. After the scenarios, I want these canteens reinspected to make sure our boys are drinking. We will have a water source on the battlefield to refill canteens after the march but before the battle.

Vehicles in Camp: All vehicles will unload in camp and immediately proceed to the parking area. All vehicles will be out of camp by dark, Friday, July 5th. Camps will be closed to vehicular traffic from dark on Friday, July 5th until noon on Sunday, July 7th. At noon camps will open for horse trailer traffic only. After the Infantry Divisions move to the battlefield for Pickett’s Charge, regular vehicular traffic can resume in camp. This will take a collective effort to enforce and I will not hesit

Re: GAC 150th Gettysburg Reenactment

This will take a collective effort to enforce and I will not hesitate to ask for help or call for a tow truck.

Amenities: Any requests for amenities, shortages or needs are to be reported directly to respective Division or Branch Headquarters, who will report them directly to the Chief Quartermaster. This includes water, horse water, wood, port a john issues, hay, ice, etc.

Safety: Each organization is responsible for ensuring the safety regulations for the event are read and enforced. These safety regulations may be found on the Gettysburg Anniversary Committee website. Safety is key and paramount at this and all events.

~General Information~

Registration: General registration will be at 1085 Table Rock Road at the Redding Auction Barn. Cavalry and Artillery will be across the street at the logistics barn. Both registrations will be well marked. There will be bathroom facilities at both. Registration hours are the following;
Tuesday, July 2nd 8 AM till 10 PM
Wednesday, July 3rd 8 AM till 10 PM
Thursday, July 4th 7 AM till 10 PM
Friday, July 5th 7 AM till 10 PM
Saturday, July 6th 7 AM till 7 PM
Sunday, July 7th 7 AM till Noon

Reenactor Entrances: The main Confederate reenactor entrance will be off of Table Rock Road, across the street from the Redding Auction Barn. It will be well marked.

Reenactor Parking: Confederate Reenactor parking will be in the field west of Table Rock Road, south of the infantry camps. Cavalry trailer parking will be in the designated area at the top of the parking field. Artillery tow vehicle parking will be set by the Chief of Artillery, please see him before parking your vehicles. All vehicles will unload in camp and immediately proceed to the parking area. All vehicles will be out of camp by dark, Friday, July 5th. Camps will be closed to vehicular traffic from dark on Friday, July 5th until noon on Sunday, July 7th. At noon camps will open for horse trailer traffic only. After the Infantry Divisions move to the battlefield for Pickett’s Charge, regular vehicular traffic can resume in camp.

Shuttles: There will be 8 to 10 shuttles running continuously from 7AM till 11PM. Stops at the Confederate Parking Area, at the bottom and top of the Confederate Camping Area and at Sutler Row.

EMS: There will be three EMS stations on site. Their locations will be near the Federal Camp, near the Redding Farm House and near the Confederate Camp. The EMS stations will be manned 24/7 during the event. In the event of a medical emergency that takes place on site, do not call 911. Immediately alert the Division or Branch Command staff. EMS will be dispatched via radio on site and will respond immediately.

Coggins: All horses, both Cavalry and Staff, must have a current negative Coggins.

Hay: Hay will be provided for Cavalry and CSA staff horses. This will be done directly by the Cavalry QM working with the Chief Quartermaster.

Wood: Wood will be dispersed throughout the camp site. Proximity to any one Division or Branch area does not constitute exclusive ownership. Commanders are responsible for ensuring that wood is not hoarded and distributed equally within the camps.

Ice: Ice will be delivered and sold throughout the camps for $4 per 20lb bag. Two gators have been dedicated to the Confederate Camps alone. There will be four deliveries a day; morning, noon, afternoon and evening.

Fire Pits: Fire pits may be dug, with the sod reserved for replacement when the fire pit is filled. All dug fire pits will be filled prior to the breaking of camp at the end of the event. No trash is to be burned in the fire pit. This includes empty or full cans or bottles. Straw and hay and other flammable substances are to be stored well away from any fire pit.

Trash: Each participant will receive a trash bag at registration. Trash should be deposited at the port o johns for daily collection. Remember, this is a working farm. Please treat the land as if it was your own. Let’s keep it clean and treat it with respect.

Horse Washing Stations: If temperatures dictate the need, a horse washing station will be set up to cool the horses down after each scenario.

Site Departures: Reenactors are welcome to stay til Monday, but logistical support ends on Sunday.

Military Schedule:

Monday, July 1st
10:00 AM Reenactment site opens to Senior Staff, Division and Brigade Commanders

Tuesday, July 2nd
08:00AM Registration Opens
10:00AM Reenactment site opens to reenactors
10:00 PM Registration closes

Wednesday, July 3rd
08:00AM Registration Opens
12:00 PM Quartermaster Meeting at HQ
12:30 PM Provost / Safety Meeting at HQ
06:00 PM Battlefield Tour Meeting at HQ
10:00 PM Registration closes

Thursday, July 4th
07:00AM Registration Opens
09:00 AM Division and Brigade Commandeers Meeting at HQ
11:00 AM Battle: “The Devils to Pay” 1st Day Struggle, Willoughby Run
06:00 PM Battle: “Crossroads of Destiny” The Federal Retreat from Seminary Ridge

Re: GAC 150th Gettysburg Reenactment

Thursday, July 4th
07:00AM Registration Opens
09:00 AM Division and Brigade Commandeers Meeting at HQ
11:00 AM Battle: “The Devils to Pay” 1st Day Struggle, Willoughby Run
06:00 PM Battle: “Crossroads of Destiny” The Federal Retreat from Seminary Ridge
10:00 PM Registration closes

Friday, July 5th
07:00AM Registration Opens
09:00AM Morning Reports due at HQ
09:00 AM Division and Brigade Commandeers Meeting at HQ
11:00 AM Battle: “Springing the Trap” Ambush at Hunterstown
06:00 PM Battle: “A Bloody Harvest” The Wheatfield
08:30 PM: Battle: “Twilight Tactical”
10:00 PM Registration closes
10:00 PM Camps close to vehicular traffic until Sunday

Saturday, July 6th
07:00AM Registration Opens
09:00AM Morning Reports due at HQ
09:00 AM Division and Brigade Commandeers Meeting at HQ
11:00 AM Battle: “We Have No Time” Stuart Arrives on the Battlefield
01:00 PM Battle: “Hold the Line” Gallant Rally at the Klingle Farm
05:30 PM Presentation to 100th Anniversary Reenactors on Battlefield
06:00 PM Battle: “Thundering Hell” East Cemetery and Culp’s Hill
07:00 PM Registration closes

Sunday, July 7th
07:00AM Registration Opens
08:00AM PACS Formation
09:00AM Morning Reports due at HQ
10:00 AM Division and Brigade Commandeers Meeting at HQ
11:00 AM Battle: “Come on you Wolverines” East Cavalry Field
12:00 PM Registration closes
12:00 PM Camps open to Horse Trailer traffic ONLY.
03:30 PM Battle: “The High Water Mark” Pickett’s Charge
03:30 PM Camps open to vehicular traffic

By Order of Brigadier General Brian Gesuero
Provisional Army of the Confederate States, cmd’g.

Major Robert Cooley
Adjutant General
Provisional Army of the Confederate States