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38th annual drill

Be advised that our annual drill will be forthcoming this following weekend, February 16th. Once again we have been invited back to beautiful Rural Hill in Huntersville, North Carolina. Weather for this event will be as follows..Friday night lo 34 Saturday high 59.
This year we will be joined by the 88th New York Infantry....
Set up will be Friday night the 15th of February,or arrive early Saturday morning...
We will be recruiting, drilling, having a drill for the kids,and be answering any questions the public may have....
The last 2 years we have done this event, we were fed by the ladies of Rural Hill who cooked a splendid meal in the fireplace of the cabin....
What a treat it would be for us, if this should be repeated...... Lets keep our fingers and toes crossed!!!!!
This year we will be doing a things a little different as we will be getting back to the basics...
Hand and foot placement..and movement on command..starting off with the left foot forward,and staying in step....
We will be doing skirmish drill,but this will be limited this year....
Also all members will have a conversation with the Captain...This is your chance to vent or to tell me your hopes and dreams for our units accomplishments for the 2013 re-enacting season .... I want to hear some good ideas!!!!
We will be having a meeting to follow up on our regimental Meeting we had on February 2nd...
We will be discussing our plans for events this year.....
For our 2 biggest events for this coming year,the unit has decided to rent a van for our travel....I believe this to be an excellent idea as at Gettysburg they are expecting over 4 million visitors for the weekend....It will be a lot easier to move one van than 8 or 10 cars,if we choose to move...
All monies for van rental will have to be into Adjutant Marcela "BEFORE" the event......With van rental coming for the 2 events with one month between the events,this will aid Mike in procuring the van in time for the event,and we won't run into the things like we did last year.
The First Sargent ask me to include a sentence about all members will have a clean rifle,and make sure your equipment is up to date and correct...
There will be an inspection of all equipment.....
This year we will be getting back to running our camps like an army camp, instead of like a boy scout jamboree....
each member will have a specfic job at each event,but it will be spread out between the membership,avoiding any one or 2 members doing all the work..
The First Sargent will assign 2 soldiers to " cotter up" before roll call....
Roll call,any info to pass on to the troops,orders of the day,post colors,pay adjutant for breakfast,breakfast,clean up by appointed soldiers,ect..........every event...
Hope to see you all there for a great time and some much missed comradeship.....
Let's shake off these cabin blues and get back to representing the original 38th with pride!
Contact me for any info you may need.
This event will end at 5:00 pm Saturday night. We would love to have you join us
All members of the 28th North Carolina who wish to attend,please feel free to do so.

In your service,
John S Siemers
38th NC troops
Captain commanding

Re: 38th annual drill

I hope y'all have a great weekend, John!

I'll be at the Western Regional Wrestling Championship with Austin that weekend. Wish us luck!

John B.

Re: 38th annual drill

Yes,by all means wish Austin good luck from us
He's the man..Hit em low,and hit em hard!