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Re: 2013 Annual Meeting of the 28th NCT!

In the business portion of our annual meeting:

We voted to add Co C, The Catawba Farmers, to the growing list of 28th NCT Companies that we represent. At this time, the members of the former 35th NCT, who have joined our unit, will serve in this squad, as well as Patrick Moser, who had many ancestors who served in that historic company.

We voted to get information to present to the unit at a later date related to pursuing a 501C3. The former members of the 35th NCT have offered to "merge" or otherwise let us use their 501C3 status, which they have already acquired and paid for.

Our good friend, Dewey Gunter, was present at our meeting representing a group of 25 unaffiliated reenactors from the Lexington, SC area, who wished to join the 28th NCT if we were agreeable. A unanimous vote of the members present said that we would be honored to serve with them! And, they bring with them 4 Coehorn mortars!

Re: 2013 Annual Meeting of the 28th NCT!

I have asked Jimmy Rhyne to serve as squad leader for Co C and he has graciously accepted. Thank you for your service to the Mighty 28th NCT, Jimmy! Patrick Moser, you might want to message your email address to Jimmy so you will receive info and updates from him.