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1st NC Battalion meeting Jan 5

Who from the 28th NCT is planning to attend the 1st NC Battalion meeting with me Saturday. Lt Cheek may not be able to attend now. Bradd Craver has said he may go with me.

Re: 1st NC Battalion meeting Jan 5

Ladies and Gentlemen! Announcing your 2013 1st NC Battalion MAX EFFORT events!

Carolinas Campaign- April 5-7, 2013. Link:

Chancellorsville- May 3-5, 2013. Link: ANV MAX EFFORT EVENT

Gettysburg- July 4-7, 2013. Link: and: ANV MAX EFFORT EVENT

Upon the resignation of our beloved Sergeant-Major Russell "Taffy" Tribe, 30th NCT 1st Sgt RC Weltner was elected to replace him. We are proud that our 1st Sergeant Brian Henderson was nominated, as well. Lt Greg Cheek will remain on the staff as Provost. Sergeant Jeff Frank will remain Regimental Signal Officer (website administrator.) All other officer were re-elected.