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Latta Plantation Christmas Event Nov 23 & 24 and Other Items

28th NC Troops,

I hope everyone is doing well and recovering from our hard campaigns this year. I would like to post about this weekends event if anyone is interested in joining me.

Matthew Waisner sent the following email:

"Good Afternoon

Lattas Plantation Christmas Event is coming up the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving November 23 - 24, 202 and I need Soldiers to do a make shift Civil War Camp and talk about life as a soldier during Christmas. Would you be at all interested in helping out with this and if so do you think you could get one or two others? You will be able to eat what ever is being cooked in the kitchen of course. I appreciate it man and hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Matthew L. Waisner"

The event runs from 10 to 5pm both Friday and Saturday. I will go to help out. As far as I know it is a Confederate Camp, at least I'll be going that way. I'm imagining that scene from Gods and Generals where the Confederates are sitting by the fire by the river with the Silent Night song slowly fading away. Sounds like a lot of fun. If anybody is interested let me know. Sorry about the short notice.


As far as Latta events coming up. January 4-6 will be the Civil War Winter Quarters event and Matt was saying something about having a battle each day. That might be neat to do. I'll keep yall posted on that.

And I believe the Reenactment will be in April of this year.

I know it is past time for a newsletter. I will get one out here as soon as possible. I have a few questions I need to pen down.

Lt. Cheek, when are the requests for bylaw changes due by before our regimental meeting in January?

To the Old North State Forever
Cpl Duckworth

Brevard Station
November 1862

PS, Burnside is up to no good in Fredericksburg right now and Foster is threatening a movement near Goldsborough. Everyone keep a clear eye!