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The use of Pyrodex is is contrary to ANV Safety Regulations.

>As you are aware, during the Maryland My Maryland event (Antietam), there
>was an accident involving a rifle musket. The soldier received injuries
>because the weapon was improperly loaded.
>Upon completion of his investigation, Ord. Sgt. Bruce determined that the
>following conditions led to the accident: the use of Pyrodex, humid
>conditions, weak musket caps, and mis-firing.
>The soldier was using Pyrodex cartridges. The humid conditions during the
>event and weak musket caps caused the weapon to repeatedly misfire until it
>discharged. The amount of Pyrodex that finally discharged is believed to be
>210-280 grains. The equivalent of Black Powder would be between 260-350
>Recommendation: The use of Pyrodex is is contrary to ANV Safety
>Regulations. MIS-FIRES should be closely monitored.
>ANV Colonels (or their designees, i.e. Ordnance personnel; Company Officers;
>and Noncoms) are responsible to see that no Pyrodex finds its way onto the
>Respectfully Submitted,
>Walter Hilderman, Lt. Col., Commanding Ken Sewell, Major, Inspections
>Provost & Inspections Dept. Provost & Inspections
>1st Div. ANV 1st Div. ANV