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A December event?

Members of the Mighty 28th NCT!

I have been contacted by a Yadkin County pastor whose church is putting on a War Between the States themed cantata on Sunday morning, Dec 2, at 11:00 am. He would like a camp set up in the yard of the church, and, at the appropriate time, fight a gun battle outside the church, with some troops running through the church. Would you like to participate? I need to get back with the pastor asap. Thanks!

Re: A December event?

Ok, so this is the same day as the Jamestown Christmas parade. Perhaps we could do the church program, then go to Jamestown, and then, as a reward, Mrs Lori Henderson has invited us all over to her house for a holiday spaghetti supper! It will be a full day, but I think it would be a great day! Who's with me???!!!

Re: A December event?

On Sunday, December 2, I have committed us to help Pastor Steve Harrellson of the Grace Bible Church, 5100 US 601 North, Yadkinville, NC, with his church's Christmas cantata. It will be a War Between the States story and he would like us to set up a camp in the yard in front of the building before the church family arrives that morning. Then, during the cantata, we will be cued to do some fighting outside while some troops will run through the church. I would say we could start setting up about 8 am with the cantata starting at 11 am. I will be meeting with Pastor Steve soon to iron out the details. I'll post all information from that meeting on the website forum and on our Facebook page. I hope to see many of you there!

Re: A December event?

I had a good meeting with Pastor Steve and some of the stars of his church's Dec 2 Christmas Cantata today. Got them outfitted with uniforms from the trailer. I still plan to start setting up over there around 8AM next Sunday. I learned they will not have a Sunday School next week, so we will have plenty of time to set up and go get a bite of breakfast. I hope to see lots of you there! It'll be fun! A great start to a special day!

Re: A December event?

The address is: Grace Bible Church, 5100 US 601 North, Yadkinville, NC. From US 421 take the US 601 Exit and go north on 601, straight through town. The church is appx 5 miles from the US 421 Exit on the right on US 601.

The church has a website: