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Secessionville 2012

2012 Schedule of Events

Friday, November 9, 2012
9:00 am – 3:00 pm School Day Presentation
9:00 pm Officers Meeting at the Cotton Dock

Saturday, November 10, 2012
7:00 am Reveille
8:30 am Colors – Ft Lamar and behind mansion
9:00 am Camps open to public
9:00 am 1860’s Toys and Games - Circle
10:00 am Officers Call at Ft. Lamar
10:00 am Nancy Brewer, Story Telling – Front of Brick Wall
11:00 am Ladies Social - Cotton Dock (Re-enactors only)
11:00 am Confederate Infantry stack arms on Ave. of Oaks
11:00 am Signal Flags - Circle
12:00 Noon Confederate Infantry leaves Ave. of Oaks
12:00 Noon War and Wardrobe - Circle
12:30 pm Federal Infantry stack arms on Ave. of Oaks
1:00 pm Lady of the House Presentation - Circle
1:30 pm Federal Infantry leaves Ave. of Oaks
2:00 pm Confederates fall in for inspection – Confederate Camp
3:00 pm Battle of Secessionville
4:00 pm Armies pass in review – Battlefield
4:00 pm Field Hospital Demo – Tunnel of Trees
4:30 pm Nancy Brewer, Story Telling – Front of Brick Wall
6:00 pm Camps close to the public
7: 00 pm Hunley Blue Light Presentation - Cotton Dock
8:00 pm Ball - Cotton Dock (Re-enactors only)

Sunday, November 11, 2012
7:00 am Reveille
8:30 am Colors – Ft Lamar and behind mansion
9:00 am 1860’s Toys and Games - Circle
10:00 am Nancy Brewer, Story Telling – Front of Brick Wall
11:00 am Church Service – In front of mansion
11:00 am Signal Flags - Circle
12:00 noon Lady of the House Presentation – Circle
12:30 pm Federal troops have weapons inspection - Ave. of Oaks
12:30 pm Confederate Army falls in for weapons inspection – Confederate Camp
2:00 pm Battle of Secessionville
3:00 pm Armies pass in review – Battlefield
3:00 pm Field Hospital Demo - Tunnel of Trees