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We must prepare for our final two battle reenactments for 2012!

Attention! Members of the 28th NCT! We have two more battle events on our 2012 schedule, the JEB Stuart Birthplace event, October 5-7, and Secessionville, November 9-11. We will be supporting the JEB event by portraying Federal Troops. There is no registration fee for those fighting Federal. However, we need to send a list of participants to the event for registration. Sergeant Jeffrey Frank has agreed to help gather the names while Lt Cheek continues to deal with personal situations including caring for his recuperating father. Please post here, or email Jeff or Greg to let us know of your intentions. As for Secessionville, my understanding is that we must send our names and money to the event by October 15 in order to register for $10. Afterward, it is $15. My understanding is that you may also purchase a commemorative coin for $15 prior to the event or $25 at the event. Come to JEB prepared to give Jeff or Greg your money for this event. We will be Confederate at Secessiionville. I look forward to seeing all of you at beautiful Ararat, Virginia! JH Baucom, Captain

Re: We must prepare for our final two battle reenactments for 2012!

Captain Baucom and Sgt Frank,


Upon the news of our upcoming engagements I would like to report that the Jeb Stuart event will be attended by (tentatively)

David Harrill (Going Confederate)......He will be shooting at us.
He will pay his registration fee there.

Jonathan Harrill (not sure at this time)

Wes Harrill (will be coming civilian, but will be bringing a soldier to fight in his stead)

Joey Duckworth (maybe Saturday and Sunday)

Me (maybe Sunday at best)

This is all tentative right now. When I get concrete facts I will get those to you.

I'll check with John Seagle, Joe Fore, Gary Byrd and the Christenburys about Jeb too and get back with you.

150th Secessionville

Gary Byrd is interested in going and I have gotten him in touch with Sgt Frank.

Me and Joey cannot make Secessionville, although we would be there if we could! We have a family endeavor to attend to.

The Harrills are finished up for 1862 as far as I know.

Again, I'll check with the rest of Company B and get back to you.

Corporal Duckworth

Re: We must prepare for our final two battle reenactments for 2012!

Thanks Corporal Duckworth!