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First Sergeant Brian Henderson

Please keep our beloved First Sergeant Brian Henderson in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes surgery on his neck this week. He will be assigned to the invalid corps for the remainder of the year. He and Mrs Lori hope to join us at Secessionville in November, but he probably won't return to the ranks until 1863. God bless him with a successful surgery and quick and complete recovery!

Re: First Sergeant Brian Henderson

Mrs Lori has contacted me to share that the surgery is now over and was a success! She is now waiting for him to wake up. Please keep the prayers going up for Brian!

Re: First Sergeant Brian Henderson

Three Cheers for our 1st Sgt, Hip Hip HOORAY, Hip Hip HOORAY,

I look forward to his return to duty. Let him know, that I personally ended the poor blue belly that wounded him at Sharpsburg!

Corporal Duckworth