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A few thoughts from your Sergeant-Major concerning next week's Maryland Campaign...

Getting my gear all packed up and prepared for next week-end. Going Ubber light: 2 blankets and tar blankets, greatcoat (makes a nice blanket and pillow), dog tent (will stay in reserves area), pack (will be light) and then just the regular gear. Please bear in mind one blanket will stay with the tent... this is a good long weekend to make your final preparations.
Oh yeah what are you bring to eat? Those who were in the school of the company have good ideas on what they can do with little. I suggest that you bring one "comfort food" with you for Sat. night... chocolate, molasses cookies, etc. it will help you feel a little better for a nights sleep on hard ground.
Sgt Mjr.

Re: A few thoughts from your Sergeant-Major concerning next week's Maryland Campaign...

Here are a couple good references for rations and cooking on campaign.

COOKING ON CAMPAIGN (from the Stonewall Brigade)

COOKING ON CAMPAIGN (from the 26th North Carolina)