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Maryland, My Maryland traveling plans...

Men of the 28th NCT! It has come to my attention that Lt Cheek will not be able to travel to Maryland, My Maryland next week due to unforeseen medical problems involving his father. Please keep that matter in your thoughts and prayers. I am now formulating my traveling plans. Would anyone be interested in going up in the Super Reenactingmobile? If enough of us are interested, I could take the Suburban and share expenses. My thoughts are that I could leave Thursday evening after work, travel to South Mountain, site of the 13th's Friday morning marker dedication, and then travel on to the reenactment afterward. I think the 13th will be camping around the monument Thursday night as we did there 5 years ago. I think that would be preferable to leaving very early Friday morning. What do you think? If no one is interested in that plan, would one of you like to pick me up or ride with me in the car? We have a substitute for the Lt so we will still have a strong 20 man company for what is sure to be another unforgettable event!

Re: Maryland, My Maryland traveling plans...

Ok, an update! I will now be traveling up to Sharpsburg with Sgt Jeff Frank.