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Gettysburg 2012 after action report

We looked forward to it for a year!


The anticipation of being allowed to portray the 28th North Carolina Troops on the actual battlefield, with our uniforms and our flags and our muskets. To do living history programs and talk to people from all over our country and the world about our heroic ancestors! To go on personally guided tours of the hallowed ground our forefathers fought and died on. To walk in the footsteps of Joines, Speer, Lane, Scales and Pettigrew. To camp in historic Pitzer's Woods with our friends and compatriots. To drill and perform for spectators in an historically correct sized company!

It was all that and so much more!

My heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone who made the sacrifice to travel up to Gettysburg this August 10th through 12th to help us portray the 28th NC Troops there this year! Karl Wilkes, as always, went above and beyond the call of duty to get all the planning and logistics squared away for us. Dean Harry and Phil Lechak did an awesome job on our tours. Greg Cheek, with the help of Brian Duckworth and Brian and Lori Henderson, arranged for an unforgettable memorial service for the men of the historic 28th North Carolina Infantry Regiment at the point near the stone wall that we determined was the extent of their advance there on the third day of battle. Soil from the gravesite of a man from each of the 10 companies of the 28th NC was spread during the ceremony. Colonel Speer was also remembered in this way. I was honored to spread the soil from his gravsite here in Yadkin County, NC.

My appreciation also goes out to the men from so many different organizations who came together to work as one cohesive unit to portray the 28th. Our 1st North Carolina Battalion brothers always come through! We were also honored to have men of Longstreet's Corps, the 24th VA Infantry, and men of the Palmetto Battalion, the 20th SC Infantry, there with us! Robert Boyles of the 49th NC Troops of the Carolina Legion traveled up with Greg and I, also. All told, 75 men participated in the program, 56 of them in the ranks with the balance as officers and medical staff.

The 28th had 3 new members join us there for the first time! Mike Heitman from Florida, Johnny Holt from Missouri and Patrick Moser from North Carolina all had their first event with the 28th NC Troops at Gettysburg! How can you beat that? Lt Horgan joined us from Ohio as well! Folks, we've gone national! Welcome to our family, gentlemen!

Facebook is already running over with pictures from the event. Kermit is working on a DVD of the weekend based on pictures and video that he took. You know that's going to be great! I'm sure the website will have many of these pictures up shortly.

The camaraderie was great, as always! Our trips into town to forage were spectacular--I gained weight for the weekend! I also had the opportunity to visit with Dirty Billy at his shop there and came away with a new sugarloaf hat. A trip over to the Regimental Quartermaster garnered me a leather haversack and groundcloth. That took care of my shopping list, and all my money!

A period photographer camped with us for the weekend. Many of us had a tintype image struck by him. Greg is scanning our picture and that of our company as I speak.

After the downpour Friday night, the weather was beautiful. Lt Horgan's clothesline hung full of our bedding and wet clothes all day on Saturday. I wonder if he took it down when we left?

Kermit's church service on Sunday morning was well attended and much appreciated by the troops and myself.

Now, I want to see your posts about your memories of the event! I know I've neglected many details that you'd like to share! Please post!

And, thanks again! Y'all made our 2012 Gettysburg living history a great success! My new sugarloaf hat is off to each of you!

My highest regards to each of you,

JH Baucom
Commanding North Carolina Troops