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A message from our Sergeant-Major:

Russell Tribe

Maryland, my Maryland is not that far away so as your Sgt. Mjr. I must ask "Are you Ready?"
There has been a lot of talk in the ranks of late about where will we sleep Sat. night..
Well after talking to the Col. I can tell you this... The 4th will have troops on the front line, and staff will will be with them. There will also be a number of troops held in "reserve" with the rest of the staff who will be brought up on line early Sunday morning. Each of you must decide where you will be... truth be told there are plus's and minus's for each location. On line you will not be marching 1st thing in the am, but you have to carry all your stuff (think travel lite, freeze at night). If you are in the reserves well you will be more comfy but you are up before the crack of dawn and marching.
Staff will need to know Sat. morning who will be where. 1st Sgt's this is your duty to find out and have that info ready with the morning report. Know this - come Sunday morning and after the battle everyone MUST be accounted for, no excuses. dot. period.