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Maryland My Maryland schedule

Maryland, My Maryland
September 7 - 9, 2012

Dear Participants,
I know you are busy working on "Looking 1862" , but we wanted to pass along the tentative schedule for reenactors. Keep in mind, an event is a "living" being of its own, but here is the schedule we have put together for you:

Thursday, Aug 2
8am- Online Registration Closes. No Walk-Ons.

Wednesday, Sept 5
Noon- Sutler Arrival

Thursday, Sept 6
Noon- Participant Registration Opens till 8pm

7pm- A. P. Hill Marchers Shuttled to Harpers Ferry

Friday, Sept 7
10am- Registration opens for Participants till 11pm

4pm to 8pm- Wagon Rides from Parking to Camps

7pm- Walkthrough for all officers field grade and higher from both sides for the Cornfield Scenario- will meet at Main Entrance

9pm- Overall event meeting- Commanders from both sides, Brigade Commanders, Civilian Coordinators and Sutler Coordinator- Activity Tent

10pm- Camp closes to all car traffic for the weekend

11pm- All cars out of camp, will be towed if not gone by 11pm

Saturday, Sept 8
6am- Registration opens till 8am- no participant will be able to register after 8am.

7am- Horse Drawn Wagons Ferry remaining participants into camp

7am- All Camps go “military” for the weekend.

9am- Gates open to the Public

10am- Lectures at the Main Activity Tent on Sutler Row begin

10am- Combined Forces Walkthrough for Fox’s Gap- All field grade and higher officers from both sides. Will meet at the Fox’s Gap Field

1pm- Battle of Fox’s Gap

3pm- Cavalry Demonstration for the Public- Fox’s Gap Field

4pm- Frost Town Road Walkthrough for those participants. Meet at Main Entrance gate. All field grade and higher officers from both sides who are in that scenario.

5pm- New Old World Theater performs Period Theatrical Play at the main activity tent

5:30pm- Walkthrough for Crampton’s Gap- All field grade and higher officers from both sides who are in this scenario meet on Fox’s Gap Field.

6pm- Gates Close to Public

7:45pm- Simultaneous Dusk Fights, participant only, Frost Town Road and Crampton’s Gap

9:30pm- Troops assembled for march to Cornfield Battlefield for the night. All troops can participate and camp on the field.

Sunday, Sept 8
5:30am– Those troops not camped in the Cornfield Area will form and march to the scenario.

6:30am- Into the Corn- Battle Begins. Participants only Scenario. Troops will remain in the field till the next scenario.

9:30am- Combined Forces Walkthrough for Hill Arrives Scenario. All Field grade and Higher officers meet on the A. P. Hill Field.

10am- Gates Open to the Public

10:30am- Public Lecture on the Battle of Antietam- Public viewing area.

Noon- Up Comes Hill- Final Public Scenario

1:30pm- Event Ends


As you notice there are a lot of "walkthroughs" for the battles. These walkthroughs involve all field grade and higher officers FROM BOTH sides.

We work as a team to present you with the best historical scenarios possible, and work with the officers to insure compliance.

This week all scenarios will be finished in Power Point and emailed to all Battalion and Higher Commanders for review.

Keep in mind, registration closes on August 1st, so if you have some pards not registered, August 1st is their last chance. Also the 1st is the last day for substiutions. We have a small volunteer staff, and managing the event is quite the task.

Shortly we will be emailing you the in-processing procedure to speed your registration.

I look forward to seeing you all soon,


S. Chris Anders