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Maryland My Maryland background info...

Maryland, My Maryland
September 7 - 9, 2012

Dear Participants,
Thank you very much for registering for " Maryland, my Maryland", the 150th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam. The event is only a short 2 months away, so I wanted to update you on the event, the event site and the scenarios.

On September 7-9, 2012, Rear Rank Productions and the Southern Division will be hosting " Maryland, my Maryland", the 150th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam.

The event will be held about 1 mile from South Mountain, a privately owned property, and is sponsored by the Washington County Visitors Bureau, Central Maryland Heritage League, Brittany's Hope Foundation and in coordination with the 150th Maryland Campaign Committee.

For the past 12 years, we have brought you Fire on the Mountain 2000, Burkittsville 2001, War on the James 2003, To the Gates of Washington 2004, Summer of '62 in 2005, September Storm 2007, At High Tide 2008, Return to Manassas 2010, Along the Potomac 2011 and Lee Takes Command 2012. As a team, we have identified a repeated, documented success model, and it is based upon the following:

1. Historic Progressive Scenarios, with unit specific researched scenarios, historical force ratios, good combat distance, and background information so each unit can properly research their role in the event

2. Preservation Dollars. No organizer is getting paid. All proceeds from this event will be donated to Central Maryland Heritage Foundation and Brittany's Hope Foundation. CMHL is the primary organization that helps preserve the South Mountain Battlefield, Brittany's Hope Foundation helps with the adoption of special needs children worldwide. The event is built on a business model that will ensure a respectable donation on behalf of the reenactors in attendance.

3. Fun. Bringing back the fun of the hobby. We will have good battles, plenty of living history and reenactor education programs, good camping areas for both campaign and garrison troops

4. Event rule enforcement. Most events have rules, but no one enforces them, causing the actions of a few to mar the weekend of the many. This will not happen at this event. There will be even handed, polite but firm event rule enforcement. Please review the rules and regulations as listed on the website. These are not "hard core" rules, nor are they lax. They are basic quality and safety rules. For an organizer or commander this is not the "fun" part of the job (if there is one), but rather the hardest part, but one that is rightfully expected by the participants, and as such is the most important part of my job. I owe it to you that the actions of a few do not detract from the experience of the many.

5. Treating reenactors with respect.

6. Honoring and Remembering those Brave Boys of 62, from BOTH sides!

7. Public education. Our goal is to provide high quality demonstrations in order to better educate the attending public, and create in them a better sense of our collective history.

8. The Civil War Experience. To set the stage for each of you to truly experience September 1862, and provide the field on which each of you will excel.

This is an all volunteer effort, with all proceeds going to Central Maryland Heritage League, for their efforts in preserving South Mountain, and Brittany's Hope Foundation to continue their work assisting with the adoption of special needs children.

We call this " Preserving the Past and Creating a Future"

Work on the event site has progressed. All volunteer crews of reenactors have been working hard to recreate the terrain for the actions we will be portraying.

We will be having work days on site on July 7th and July 14th this coming month, both days will start at 9am, and we will be constructing split rail fencing. If you can assist in this effort, contact me at

Moving into August we will have several "camp clearing" work days and we should be all set. As soon as I have those dates I will let you know.

Currently we have over 3,400 pre registered. We are closing registration on August 1, 2012, or when we reach 4,000 participants, which ever comes first.

So if you know someone who is not registered, please have them do so right away at

We are portraying the following actions at the event: Fox's Gap, Crampton's Gap, Frost Town Road, The Cornfield and A.P. Hill's Counter Attack.

I am working now to finalize all the scenarios, which will be sent via Power Point to all Battalion Commanders, as well as unit assignments.

Now is the time to prepare to "Look 1862". Authenticity in Dress and Action will bring honor to the sacrifices the men on both sides made during those bloody days of September 1862. Both Armies had marched and fought for months prior to the Campaign, so dirt is your best friend. They also traveled light, ve