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Sounding authentic for Maryland my Maryland!

Maryland, My Maryland
September 7-9, 2012

States Rights Participants,
We sent out last week an email on how to ACT in battle, and it is extremely important that you follow through. However this week I wanted to send you some advice on how to SOUND authentic.

From the "Dukes of Hazzard" to just about every event I have attended, I hear really poor versions of the "Rebel Yell".

Believe it or not, there are actual recordings of the Yell done by Veterans.

Keep in mind they are older, and probably not scared to death and getting shot at, but these are the best we have to go on.

My Pards in the 26th NC have a great web site, and have an excellent recording of the Yell located here-

When you listen you notice there are 3 different parts to the Yell- Short high pitch, followed by short low pitch, and finally a high long pitch...notice the spacing between the 3, and imagine hundreds of soldiers doing so in different rhythms and there you have it.

Please listen to this and work within your commands to be sure we accurately SOUND like they did. Add this to screams of pain, rage and fear and we will sound 1862.

One last point on sounding authentic-

No one below Battalion Commanders were instructed to "echo" any commands, unless it was so loud the men could not hear the Battalion Commander. Company Commanders should never echo commands unless then cannot hear - ie in action

We are doing our best to build a great stage for you all to "act" upon, I ask you to bring your "A" game, and make our dream a reality.

I look forward to serving you,


S. Christian Anders
Bvt Maj'r Gen'l
Southern Division
States Rights Forces
Maryland my Maryland