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Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Dear Sirs,

I am curator at The Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia. We just conserved the flag of the 28th North Carolina that is in our collection. Out of curiosity, I decided to see if there were any reenactment groups affiliated with that regiment, so I could let them know. I discovered your website, and am following through by passing along that information.

We intend to put this flag on display at our Museum within the next few weeks. I hope some of your regiment can come see it in the next year or so, while it is on display.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Cathy Wright


The Museum of the Confederacy

1201 E. Clay St. · Richmond, VA 23219

phone: (804) 649-1861, ext. 114

fax: (804) 644-7150

Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Ms. Wright,

I am very happy to hear this news and appreciate your efforts to find us! I will spread this good news among our members and we will plan a day to come up and see the flag. Thank you for conserving this historic banner that represented the pride and spirit of our forefathers. If you could let us know the dates the flag will be on display, it would help to make our plans to come see it.

I assume this is the battle flag that was captured at Gettysburg? With the battle honors?

Thank you,

John H. Baucom

Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Dear Mr. Baucom,

Thanks for your kind message. I will certainly let you know the day we put the flag on exhibit. I can tell you now that it will be up within the museum by the end of July. If your members would like to see it, I would plan on coming in or after August.

The flag will also be part of an exhibit we are preparing for next summer on Pickett’s Charge.

This flag was captured at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863 by Capt. Morris Brown, Jr. of the 126th New York Infantry. Its identification as the 28th NC is based on modern research, but given the distinctive battle honors, we are pretty confident about this identification. It does have eight different battle honors on each side.

We appreciate your interest in the MOC and its collections. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

Most sincerely,

Cathy Wright


The Museum of the Confederacy

1201 E. Clay St. · Richmond, VA 23219

phone: (804) 649-1861, ext. 114

fax: (804) 644-7150

Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Ms. Wright,

We will make our plans accordingly! Would you like to know when we decide to come ahead of time? Could we get a group discount?

And, by the way, as a North Carolinian, we feel the assault you referenced on the third day of battle at Gettysburg, is best described by the name "Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble Assault." We feel this name gives a more correct impression of the troops who were involved in the assault. Early on it was called "Longstreet's Assault," but, as you know, he vehemenently opposed making the assault at all. I think Mrs. Sallie Ann "Lasalle" Pickett, in her endeavour to polish the tarnished reputation of her husband after the war, was the main reason the name "Pickett's Charge" came to be used for the action on the third day at Gettysburg. Anyway, when you get the exhibit set up, please consider recognizing North Carolina's part in the action by referring to it as the "Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble Assault." I would appreciate it! I know you love getting unsolicited free advice!

Many thanks!


By the way, my research tells me that the flag was not "captured" in the literal sense, but was picked up off the field, after the action, where it fell from the hands of one of the many stout-hearted Southern color-bearers who died making that harrowing assault that day. I can't wait to see it! I have seen the Battle Flag of the 37th NC Troops, of the same brigade, which is very similar to it. At the time I saw it, it was on loan from the MOC to Pamplin Park. This was the flag my Great-Grandfather, 1st Sergeant George W. Baucom, of Co D, fought under. The original staff of that flag still flys a 'mock" 37th NC Battle Flag in Lee Chapel in Lexington, VA. The curators there let me touch the staff, as I felt that my great-grandfather must have touched it many times during the conduct of his duties. I reckon you can see that I'm getting wound up now! Lol

Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Hi John,

I am happy to report that the flag of the 28th NC was installed in our galleries this morning. It will be on exhibit for some time, so I hope you enjoy seeing it during your upcoming visit.

We do offer group discounts for groups with 10 or more people – the only catch, is the group must make advance arrangements to receive the discount. You can find out more about how to do so here:

You may also want to consider visiting our new museum facility in Appomattox. It’s about 2 hours west of Richmond, so might make for a very long day for you (coming from NC). But if a long weekend is a possibility, it’s definitely worth the trip – or a separate trip.

Thanks for your observations on the correct naming of the charge at Gettysburg! I must admit, I am not very strong on the military history side of things – but I never understood why it was named after Pickett when so many other divisions were engaged. And there’s no denying Mrs. Pickett had a strong hand in redefining the charge, to begin with!

I would be pleased if you’d let me know when you’re coming to visit. If I am at the Museum that day, I’d look forward to meeting you and personally showing you the flag.

Best wishes,

Cathy Wright


The Museum of the Confederacy

1201 E. Clay St. · Richmond, VA 23219

phone: (804) 649-1861, ext. 114

fax: (804) 644-7150

Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Hello Cathy!


(That's the rebel yell, sorta, kinda!)

That's more great news!

I will spread the word among our group. We'll be doing living history programs for the National Park Service at Gettysburg the weekend of August 10-12. Some of us are going to stay in Gettysburg Sunday night and return home on Monday. We're now discussing detouring by there on Monday. I'll let you know how many will participate in the detour. I figure most will have to go home Sunday night to meet family and work obligations. But we'll see!

Thank you very much!


Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

It will be hard NOT to go by there on the way back on Monday! The Garmin will show us the way!

Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Congratulations, guys. While you're there, dont forget to ask about any CSA artillery flags they might be restoring or have on display!


Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Will do, Tim!

Fellers! We have 5 lined up to go to the MOC on Monday, August 13. We need 10 to register as a group and get a discount. If you're planning to make this pilgrimage, let me know so we can get our group registered.



Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!


I regret that we were unable to come by the museum Monday. While we were at the Gettysburg event, I received the news that my uncle, my dad's twin brother, had passed away, so I had to return home on Sunday immediately after our programs were over. We will make a date to come up there soon and perhaps bring a group of our 28th NCT members to view our ancestor's honored colors. We had a replica of the Gettysburg Battle Flag with us up there and we did our level best to honor it and the men who fought and died under it.

I appreciate your efforts and hope to see you soon!


Re: Thank God! Our Battle Flag has been conserved!!!

Dear Capt. Baucom,

I am very sorry to hear of your uncle’s passing – please accept my condolences. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for your father, having lost his twin.

The 28th NC flag will be exhibited probably through the end of this calendar year, at the least, so you are welcome to see it during your next visit to the MOC. It would be an honor to show it to the men who have honored the memory of the soldiers who fought and died beneath that banner. Perhaps I could meet you all at that time.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

Most sincerely,

Cathy Wright


The Museum of the Confederacy

1201 E. Clay St. · Richmond, VA 23219

phone: (804) 649-1861, ext. 114

fax: (804) 644-7150