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Gettysburg 2012!

We have a wonderful opportunity coming up soon! This August, on the10th through 12th, we will be allowed to portray the 28th NC Infantry Regiment on the Gettysburg Battlefield! We can have up to 100 men in our company. I want as many of our friends to attend with us and our First NC Battalion brothers as possible. Here are the details:

Arrive Friday morning August 10 and set up in Pitzer's Woods at the Longstreet statue on Confederate Avenue. Our program starts at 1pm with a march up to the NC Monument for a memorial service and wreath laying ceremony. Afterward, a guided tour of the P-P-T Assault route of the Branch-Lane Brigade all the way to the wall on Cemetery Ridge with a service there to recognize and place soil from every county in NC from which a company of the 28th Regiment hailed from. Then, ride back over to camp, go into town for supper, etc. Saturday, we'll do demonstrations and living history for the park service until about 3 pm and then go on another guided tour, the subject of which I do not yet know. Afterward, supper, and R & R. Sunday morning church service in camp with as many more programs as we are willing to do until 3 or so, then pack up and head home. We're very proud to be able to honor the historic 28th NC Infantry Regiment at Gettysburg this year. We want as many friends to go with us as possible. We can have up to 100. Please get on the registration list asap! I'll forward all names to Greg Cheek and Karl Wilkes. Karl is, once again, our organizer. He is an expert in working with the park service. $20 registration goes to wreaths for the memorial service and a donation to the park for maintenance of the NC Monument. I hope to see you there! John Baucom, Captain, 28th NC Troops

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

It will be a wonderful trip. We will portray the 28th NCT on Friday, walking the same path that they followed on the 3rd day of Gettysburg. During this time , we will conduct a special ceremony to honor those that fell that day near "the wall" (you know what I'm talking about).

So far we have the following folks that have signed up from the 28th NCT:
David Harrill
Jonathan Harrill
Brian Duckworth
Joe Duckworth
Jeff Frank
Greg Cheek
John Baucom
David James (63 NCT)

I know there are others considering it. We'd like to get at least 16 folks from the 28th. Just send me a check for $20 and I will send in a group registration to Karl. I'd like to send the first wave of registrations in by Friday June 22.

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

ATTENTION!!! Lt Cheek says registrations for Gettysburg MUST be postmarked by this Friday, July 13. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

I know the group formerly known as the reactivated 35th Reg't would rather go to Gettysburg but vacation and work schedules makes it impossible. Also, we have made a prior commitment to Latta to assist them with a LH August 18-19.

The Flagg family will be visiting the Chickamagua Battefield the 1st week of August.

Private Flagg

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

Does Greg have a head count thus far of how many we can expect at Gettysburg? I know ya'll were shooting for 100. I was just wondering how close to that we've gotten as of right now.


PS Do I need to bring extra equipment/uniform parts for any new folks? I have a NC depot jacket, hat, gum blanket, canteen and probably some other stuff I can lend for the weekend.

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

Ron, we'll miss Co C at Gettysburg this time but, Lord willing, we'll make up for it next year at the 150th!

Brad, looks like around 60 to 70 now. Karl told us it was time to cut it off registrations so he would have a firm number to plan for before the last minute. He'll be issuing rations to us and working with the NPS on our tours and such. I'm glad you can go this time!


Re: Gettysburg 2012!

Safe travels, my brothers! See you in Gettysburg!

JH Baucom
Commanding North Carolina Troops

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

Great job this weekend everyone! I will expand on the subject of our Gettysburg living history weekend when I have had time to wrap my head around it!

Re: Gettysburg 2012!

From Thomas Warner...
I've got to try to describe last weekend...
Last weekend we, The 4th NC Inf., joined the 28th NC at Gettysburg in Pitzer's Woods for a Living History-Firing demo weekend. The 28th got to portray themselves so Friday was a special day: First marching up to the NC Monument with a wreath laying ceremony, then crossing the field of "Picket's Charge" with a Battlefield Guide where the 28th attacked. You really got a perspective of what it took to cross the field, dead and the wounded would be grabbing at you asking for help… This was followed by a Ceremony honoring those who participated in the assault, 1 man from each of 10 Companies was called on roll and soil from his grave was put on the battlefield. It was a very sobering, respectful way to honor those men who went before, really hard to describe.
Saturday had 3 demos then a tour of Culp's Hill action. Sunday; Worship Service, and 2 demos then home. We fired maybe 10 rounds each demo, using different firing types, By Company, By Rank, By File, all were excellent! Great coordination firing as 1.
When you have 50 -60 guys on line it's very very cool!!
Overall a great time with my guys and the men of the 28th and other units there. 'Carolina Fighting Men' cheering for the 'Old North State" FOREVER!, the dedication of the men and the sincerity of Capt. John B. made it a GREAT weekend!