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Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!!

It has been a busy month so far, but we are not done yet. Don't forget about Rockford and Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend!
See below for details..
Please contact me or your squad leader as soon as you can on the ones that you can attend.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

PLEASE help us honor the veterans!
Your Fight'n Adj. and in your service,
Lt. Cheek

May 26 (Saturday)
Rockford Memorial Day Program and Service

The program at the old white Methodist Church will start at 3PM. Terri Ingalls, of Mount Airy, is the speaker and will portray 3 different prominnent Confederate Women. The service at the cemetery will commence shortly after the program (maybe around 3:30-4:00 PM). We hope to field at least 8-10 rifles for this.

May 27 (Sunday)
Danbury Confederate Memorial

The service for this begins at 3PM at the old Court House. About 16-20 rifles are needed. Be there by 2:30 to prepare.

Re: Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!

I will be on detached duty on Saturday. I must travel south to confer with my Father on many pressing matters related to the family farm.

I will catch the fastest train back to the area so that I might link up with the company at Danbury on Sunday.

J H Lan..uuhhh...Baucom
Commanding North Carolina Troops

Re: Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!

Nice Job Gen...uh Captain.

Re: Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!


Re: Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!

We need rifles badly at Rockford. Only know of 5 so far.

Re: Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!

It was hot and humid to say the least, but it was great day at Rockford. Special thanks to the following folks from the 28th and 21st who helped with the vollies today:
Sgt. Brian Henderson
Sgt. Jeff Frank
Cpl. Tony Hine
Pvt. Rosco Lloyd
Pvt. Oscar Lopez

Thank you again gentlemen for coming out to help today. My hat is off to you!

I want to thank the following ladies for being there to provide support as well today:
Lori Henderson
Tamara Gallimore
Andrea Moore

And a very special thanks to Mike Moore as well. One day we are going to get you in the ranks with us!

Re: Rockford & Danbury Confederate Memorials this weekend! Please support them - reenactors needed!!

It was a great day at Danbury as well. The speaker was a little long winded on his upcoming new book, but it was very interesting. Captain Rahlo Leonard, 21st NCT, commanded the company as we saluted the veterans with unsurpassed vollies.

Thanks to the following men and women of the 28th NCT who came out to support the Memorial:
Sgt. Brian Henderson
Sgt. Jeff Frank
Pvt. Rosco Lloyd
Pvt. G. Cheek
Ms Lori Henderson
Ms Tamara Gallimore

Thanks again to you all for your service and diligence in the cause of honoring the Confederate Veterans.

Next stop... the VALLEY!!!!