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June 9-10 - 150th Anniversary Reenactment - Jackson Valley Campaign

Should should a fantastic event with plenty of action. The actual battles will include Cross keys and Port Republic.

The early regsitration deadlines have passed. The registration fee is now $25 per person until May 20th. After that is is $30 as a walk-on.

The website is below if you want to regsiter and pay online individually (credit card only). I plan to submit a group registration on May 18th.

Please send me a check made to 28th NC troops and constact me me via email or phone if you plan to attend.

Re: June 9-10 - 150th Anniversary Reenactment - Jackson Valley Campaign

The deadline of May 20th is approaching fast. Please let me know ASAP if you plan to go and want me to register you.

Re: June 9-10 - 150th Anniversary Reenactment - Jackson Valley Campaign


I have the honor of reporting that you have the arms of Corporal Duckworth, Private Duckworth, Private D. Harrill and Private J. Harrill on board. I will check with Private Seagle and see how he is before confirming his yea or ney.

I do not know about yall, but I'm ready to follow Old Jack up there in them beautiful Shenandoah Mountains again this coming June. I'm ready to take the fight to the enemy!

Corporal Duckworth

A check will soon be deposited to the 28th Treasury.

Re: June 9-10 - 150th Anniversary Reenactment - Jackson Valley Campaign

Wonderful news Cpl Duckworth. I look forward to Co. B's presence on the field. We will do Gen'l Jackson proud!