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Ft Macon

Workin late/early to recoup my recent april 17th losses -- thanks to old Abe Lincoln for that -- can't wait to get to Ft Macon for some early mornin drill and two assaults on the fort saturday!!! Steady yourselves men for the upcomming task at hand. Be sure to fill your knapsacks and canteens as the coast can be an inhosipitable environment.

Re: Ft Macon

If ole Abe had stuck to killing zombies and vampires, as the movies suggest, instead of consolidating federal government power and control, we'd all be a lot better off!

Re: Ft Macon

Re: Ft Macon

Re: Ft Macon

The zombie movie was filmed at Ft Pulaski, by the way...

Re: Ft Macon

And we can't forget Batman!

Re: Ft Macon

I was trying to give Batman a break...but, yes, he, too, did Constitutional government a great disservice...