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Message from Karl concerning the very sucessful Ft Pulaski event!

I sincerely hope that everyone has found themselves safely home to their loved ones. I wanted to take a moment to pass along my most sincere and heartfelt "thank you" for the dedication and professionalism that all showed this pass weekend at the 150th Ft. Pulaski event. Although our numbers were not as large as we would have liked, we still managed to cover everything the Park requested. This took a great deal of hard work and sacrifice on everyone's part yet I did not hear or receive any words of discontent. John and Geary did a wonderful job in the command roles. Carl and Jeff were equally as wonderful in their First Sergeant's roles and all the other NCOs carried out their duties wonderfully as well. An event like this cannot come out as well as this one did without the cooperation of all the officers and NCOs. A special "thanks" to Corporals who did such an incredible job with the children's drill. Thank you all gentlemen! All the troops whom served did a remarkable job all weekend despite prolonged guard mounts and the short numbers of troops with all of their drills and the interaction with the Park's visitors. We were blessed to have several new friends join with us at this event. Our special "thank you" to Mark and the 20th S.C., to Jim and the Savannah Blues whom were with us throughout the weekend. Thanks to all of you and your troops for the much needed help and your professionalism thru the weekend. I would also like to "thank" Tom Wessling whom portrayed Father Whelan this past weekend. Wonderful job sir. We will all look forward to seeing each of you again soon!
I have passed along our heartfelt "thanks" to the Park and it's staff for all their hard work and dedication and again I thank all of you for everything that you did in preparing for and in carrying out this successful weekend!

Re: Message from Karl concerning the very sucessful Ft Pulaski event!

I'm sorry that I had to miss this one. My ears were defintely burning. Looking forward to Ft. Macon this weekend though and the stories from Pulaski!