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Ft Macon info...

From Lt David Vanhoy, info garnered from the excellent 21st NC Troops website:

Fort Macon will take "add-ons" for the next few weeks for the same $10.00 as before. If you wait until the event it will be $20.00 for walk-ons. This is Federal only.
There will not be two camps. One(1) military and one(1) civilian. Even family members can stay in the fort. "NO" tents in the fort. If you stay in the fort all modern items must not be visible. The public will be in the fort all day until it is closed. There is no bathroom in the fort. Restrooms and porta johns will be out side the fort and will be about 200' feet away.
This is how I have it from Lee Gordon this day Feb.20th,2012.
I hope this clears up some things for some of you.

Re: Ft Macon info...

Bathroom locations are always a good thing to know where they are!!!

Re: Ft Macon info...
