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Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

Greetings Men and Ladies of the 28th NCT!

The 2012 Reenacting Year is upon us, and we are coming up on out first unit voted event at Rockford this coming weekend, March 2-4.

We will camp and battle at the usual spots. Please bring both uniforms as we will need to fight in gray one day and in blue the other.

Several folks have indicated that they are coming, along with our friends from other units, including:

7th NC Cav., 38th NCT, 24th Va.Inf., 6th NC Dismounted Cav., & 63rd NCT.

We need a final headcount for the weekend, so please let me know as soon as you can.

We also need a headcount in order for the General Store to plan for the free meal on Firday night.

Please contact me also to confirm for this as well. The meal will be served from 6-8pm.

NCO's, please call folks on your squad call list and let me know about the attendance from your squads by Thursday night.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.
In your service,
Fight'n Adj. Cheek

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

Jeff Walton called me today and said the 6th NC Inf will have 6 to 10 men ready for duty at Rockford!

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

Sounds great. Any estimates from the other units?

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

4 from the 38th as of today!

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

The weather is wonderful at Rockford tonight.
The rain should pass quickly tomorrow, with a great afternoon battle at 1:30pm. Several troops are camped by the country store tonight, with several more arriving in the morning. Grab your rifle and join us tomorrow.

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

We were blessed with great weather this weekend, in spite of the Friday night rain. We had a great crowd both days, and had a lot of visitors in the camps before and after the battles. And speaking of the battles, we had some really great action on the field with plenty of indivual heroics and gallentry. Plenty of commradery to go around, especially around the campfire each night.

I really want to commend the NCO's and fight'n men of the 28th for their distinguised service this weekend, with great vollies and execution of orders! As a file closer, you fellas are a sight to behold on the field.

It was also a pleasure to again fight along side our friends in the 38th NCT, 63rd NCT, 6th NCT, 7th NC Cav, and 24th Va (83rd Pa).

I'm very appreciative of the hospitality given us by the folks at the Rockford General Store for the generous meal on Friday night and supplying water as we needed throughout the weekend. I'll have to say that the famous toasted balogna sandwich yesterday was well worth the anticpation. The "facilities" are also unsurpassed.

Lastly, I want to thank Captain Baucom again for his leadership and presence on the field in both victory and, well maybe a slight setback on Sunday.

Already looking forward to Fort Macon!
To the Old North State! (3x Forever)

Your Fight'n Adj,
Lt. Cheek

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!

We also had a good recruiting weekend and welcomed new member Will Albritton to the unit!

Re: Rockford Reenactment March 2-4 - Calling all troops!


My heartiest congratulations on a job well done...
We all pitched in and made Rockford fun..
The sharing of the chores,and time around the fire made for a great weekend..
I believe that we had the best weather we have had in 4 years at Rockford,so we thank the good Lord for that..
Thank our pards in the Mighty 28th for their commitment to see that things are done right.
Thanks to Captain Baucom for allowing me to command 1st Platoon. All members did an exceptional job with some of the best volleys I have heard,and a special thanks to 1st Sgt Henderson for his help during the battle...I especially enjoyed my great niece and my 2 great nephews who visited on Saturday...There is no way I can fully tell anyone how much I love these little munchkins....
A little sadness to note,Pvt Bobby Harris had an uncle pass away while he was with us at Rockford,and Adjutant Mike Marcela could not be with us as he had to go to New Jersey to help tend to his father who is gravely ill. Lets keep these 2 friends,as well as all others who need prayer and healing in our daily prayers.
Hope to see the entire 28th and 38th at Fort Macon on April 20-22nd.
May God grant us all safe travel and good health...
In your service,
Captain John Siemers