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Latta event info, May 18-19

150th Muster of the 53rd North Carolina Company B, Mecklenburg Grays
Living History

There will be a Company Muster Living History at Historic Latta Plantation the weekend of May 18-20, 2012! This living history will recreate the Muster and Formation of Company B, Mecklenburg Grays of the 53rd North Carolina. Every aspect of the muster will be recreated from speeches, enlistments, drill, and camp life. I want to try and create the atmosphere of such an event for the viewing public so they will leave with a better understanding of how a Civil War company was formed.
This will commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the muster of this unit (May 1862) and as such, I really need a good number of soldiers and civilians attending. As you know a company muster would have been a huge social event. Everyone would have turned out for a good time. Keep in mind by 1862 most of the previous enlistments were running out and new units were needed to be raised! North Carolina had already felt the sting of war along her coast and had sons buried in foreign soil. It was known that the war was going to take longer to win than first thought. Not everyone attending the muster would have been Pro-Southern…some would have been Pro-Union. This needs to be shown that not all was for or against the Confederacy, Union, and or the War!
The Sample Family that lived at Latta from 1855 – 1922 is the connection to Company B, 53rd North Carolina. William Samples four sons: John, David, James, and Hugh all enlisted in this company May of 62 and survived the war returning to “River Side” Latta Plantation by 1865. The 53rd North Carolina, as many North Carolina Regiments fought in the Army of Northern Virginia and was in most of the campaigns that followed.
Again civilians are needed and welcome! There will be a Tea on Saturday of the event behind the Visitors Center conducted by Cliff Grimsley. All Ladies are invited to take part. If any of the civilians have an idea on what they would like to do or add to the event just let me know. Soldiers, not all of you will need to attend in uniform! Not all men enlisting would have ever been in the army. I need men from the fields, offices, school houses, and shops. Camp will be set up around the Latta House and outbuildings (Garrison). On Sunday of the event Hopewell Presbyterian Church will be celebrating their 250 Anniversary by holding their church service on site and having a meal following. They have said that all reenactors are welcome to attend both the service and the meal. All other meals though will be on your own! (There will be a food vendor during the hours of the event)
There is a lot more to note but I will hold off for now. If you are able to attend please let me or your unit contact know. If you have any questions please fill free to contact me.

For the Sake of History

Matthew L. Waisner
Historic Interpretation and Event Specialist
Historic Latta Plantation
5225 Sample Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: (704) 875-2312 Ex: (305)