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28th NCT Annaul Meeting this Saturday, 01-28-2012!

Hello all!

First, let me say "thank you" to Corporal Brian Duckworth for getting the newsletter together prior to our annual meeting. It's a busy time for all of us, and I appreciate his efforts to keep us up to date and informed.

Next, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at the meeting. We have a LOT to talk about! There are so many great events going on this year. Some of our group will try to do them all, and I admire their ability to do that. But, we've got some tough decisions to make in the case where great events we want to support are on the same weekend or put us in the position of making two long trips two weekends in a row. Whew! It's gonna be that kind of year, folks.

We're also going to discuss whether or not to take on a Federal designation for those rare instances where we portray Federal troops in order to have a reenactment battle. If we vote to go forward with the idea, we have only received one proposal as to what that unit should be, so we'll talk about that and vote.

We have two meals lined up for the meeting, breakfast at 8 am by Corporal Tony Hine and his pancake squad, and lunch by the ladies, led by commissary coordinator, Mrs Lori Henderson. I hear it's going to be chili beans, so we'll have to prepare to open windows and doors during that part of the meeting after lunch! Lol

I understand we may have a few new recruits coming to the meeting. I'll bring the trailer so we can dress them out and start getting them drilled. Try to come in uniform if you can, it helps the ambiance!

The meeting will start at 9 am, and we'll try to be done by 3 pm or earlier this year. That should be easier for most of us to stay for the entire meeting.

I'll end by saying how much I appreciate your support of me, personally, and of your unit. You and your dedication have made the Mighty 28th NCT one of the largest and most respected units in reenacting today. Our membership, starting with 6 folks just over five short years ago, has grown to over 40, with members from Ohio to Maryland to Florida! We are featured in newspapers, magazines and we're all over Youtube! Our website (best in the hobby, thanks Kevin) and Facebook page are visited and commented on regularly! In my estimation, we have done The Old North State proud! Thank you! Let's keep up the great work!

Pray for nice weather! I'll see you at the schoolhouse!

My highest regards to you all!

John Baucom


Re: 28th NCT Annaul Meeting this Saturday, 01-28-2012!

Weather Saturday promises to be nice!

Saturday January 28

Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the upper 50s and lows in the low 30s.