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School of the Company

From the Sgt. Major...

for everyone's consideration:
1st North Carolina Battalion, 4TH Regiment, ANV

Recreating a full strength Confederate infantry company of 92 Privates, 5 Sergeants, and 4 Officers open to 109 men only of our Regiment.

* Instructors will be Col. Potts, Sgt Mjr Tribe and Ord Sgt Cole.
*An hour long school of the Officer, NCO and Private to start the program Saturday at 9am.
*Company training will be on the march.
*Company will overnight on arms with a rations issued in the field.
*Comrades will mess together. Preparation of rations will judged with an award given.
*Event will end with a live fire volley at company sized target.

Requirements are:
*Must be a member in good standing with the 1st North Carolina Battalion.
*If filling an Officer or NCO billet, must currently hold that rank. Officers and NCOs will be picked by lottery prior to the event and will be contacted accordingly. If not chosen you will be expected to fall in as a private. “In order to lead, one must be prepared to take orders”
*40 rounds (blanks) and 60 caps
*Physically able to make two three mile (approximately) marches. One each day Saturday and Sunday. “If you can carry it, you can bring it.”

Where: Fort Branch and surrounding area
When: Tentatively end of May. Actual week-end to be determined at Regimental meeting.
Cost: $5.00 per person which covers cost of rations. Excess money will be turned over to 1st NC Batt. preservation fund.

Questions: contact Sgt Mjr Tribe @