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"Maryland, My Maryland" - Sept 8-9, 2012 - registration begins in December

The website for "Maryland, My Maryland" is:
Registration opens up later this month. The event is Sept 8-9, 2012.
We need to get this in soon since total ANV registration will be limited to 600.
Please let me know if you are interested. I will need the registration fee up front. I'll have details soon.

Re: "Maryland, My Maryland" - Sept 8-9, 2012 - registration begins in December

Lt. Greg... I will be there to provide for our medical support for the 28th NC/4th ANV!!!

Re: "Maryland, My Maryland" - Sept 8-9, 2012 - registration begins in December

Greg says he will send in one registration for our unit by Dec 31, 2011. Get him your $20 by Dec 23 if you want him to send it in for you.

Or, as several of our troops have done, you may register individually on their website. You must tell them that you are a member of the 28th NCT, ANV.

John Baucom

Re: "Maryland, My Maryland" - Sept 8-9, 2012 - registration begins in December

A few specifics regarding the on-line registration for "Maryland, My Maryland".

- Select 'CS Infantry'.
(This selection will cause the Brigade selections to be displayed.)
- Select '3rd - Gen'l Jeanette' for CS Infantry Brigade.
- Enter '28th NC Troops' (or similar) in 'Company name or Unit' field.
- Enter appropriate info in 'Civilian/Military Rank' field.
- Enter '4th Regiment, ANV' (just ANV is probably all that is needed) in 'Organization Affiliation' field. This is not indicated as a required field.

Also, a selection MUST be made from the drop-down list under 'Register Other Reenactors' labled 'How many OTHER reenactors are you registering today?'.

Re: "Maryland, My Maryland" - Sept 8-9, 2012 - registration begins in December

Thanks for the information, Jeff!