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Jamestown Christmas Parade, Sunday, Dec. 4th

A reminder for any that can attend...

The Jamestown Christmas Parade will be on Sunday, December 4th, 2011. The parade starts at 3:00 PM, sharp. Line-up time is indicated as 1:30 PM and all entries must be in position by 2:30 PM. The line-up for the parade is at the Jamestown Town Hall at 301 E. Main Street, in the front and rear parking lots (it is suggested that you enter from Teague Dr.). We typically park in the church parking lot beside town hall on the corner of Teague Dr. and E. Main Street.

Volleys are fired during the parade, so be sure to have rounds and caps (I'm guessing 15 should be plenty). Ladies are also welcome to join, tossing candy out to the kids from their baskets.

Hope to see you there!

Re: Jamestown Christmas Parade, Sunday, Dec. 4th

Thanks for posting this, especially with the address, Jeff. I'm going to try to make it.

Re: Jamestown Christmas Parade, Sunday, Dec. 4th

Well, so much for good intentions.
I forgot that I am commited to helping with a program at church that evening. Looks like I will miss the parade this year, but hope those of you live closer to Jamestown can go. It is such a great parade in which to particpate.