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Battle of Secessionville - After Action Report (Part 2)


Sunday, a warm and sunny day, began with morning parade which included a Change of Command ceremony for the Palmetto Battalion. Following parade the men were free of duties for the day and could visit the sutlers in town, attend church service, or catch up camp chores. A couple of us took this opportunity to have some minor repairs made to our rifles by a sutler.

Early Sunday afternoon the Battalion was formed, and after some time, our company was sent into the woods to our left. We could only suppose the Yanks must again be on the move and our commanders were positioning us for another engagement. We did not have to wait too long before the sounds of musket and cannon fire broke the silence of the afternoon. I guess the Federal commanders had not learned a lesson from the previous day’s battle and had undertaken another fool hearted attack on Fort Lamar. The Yankees had taken the defenders by surprise, for the fort was not properly garrisoned, and they began streaming over the walls into the fort. The Confederate Battalion was quickly deployed to the fort, although it may have been piecemeal, and pushed the Yanks back out. I can only provide a sketchy description of these events, due to our position in the woods provided a limited view. Our company marched out from the woods and formed up outside the fort facing the Federal’s right flank. After delivering several volleys into their flank, they deployed a line of skirmishers to oppose us. Captain Dotson detached the second platoon, while the first platoon took intervals and deployed into skirmish line. First platoon exchanged volleys with the skirmishers while the Federal main body attempted several attacks against the fort, all of which were repelled. Ground was gained, then lost, then gained again, as we began to push back the Yankee skirmish line. The cost of the ground was high, as we lost “The Long Beards” during this action. While we were pushing on the Federal right, we saw several Confederates rush the front of the Federal main body. While it was a gallant gesture, it was in vain. They were cut down by Yankee muskets after covering about two thirds of the distance between them. We did not learn until later that these brave lads were our own second platoon. We continued to advance on the shrinking Federal force until the order to cease fire was finally given. The Yanks were again defeated with great losses. This ended the Battle of Secessionville (or the First Battle of James Island) and the Confederate victory kept Charleston from being seized by Federal forces.

Re: Battle of Secessionville - After Action Report (Part 2)

A most excellent report, Sergeant Frank! I'm glad the Mighty 28th NCT was represented at Secessionville this year!

Do you think our entire regiment would be welcome there next year? Would you recommend that we consider supporting this event in 2012?

Re: Battle of Secessionville - After Action Report (Part 2)

Yes. Great report, Seargent Frank. Sounds like y'all had way too much fun.

It has been 6 years since I was last there for an event. It too was the one of the greatest reenactments of all time.

Boone Hall Plantation is such a wonderful place for a reenaactment, and I have always had a great time there. My undertanding is that next years event will be the 150th anniversary of the actual battle (1862). It is well worth considering as a max event in 2012.

Magnolia cemetery is always a good place to visit to see the graves of the Hunley crews. Visting the Hunley museum is special also.