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Fort Branch-After Action Report

With Captain Baucom and Lt Cheek called away with urgent business, I was in command of the company....
After finding out a few more of the men were on special detain, Sgt Frank suggested we fall in with another company, the 18th N C. At the last moment several men who were not big enough for a company of there own, requested to fall in with us, so we formed our own company consisting of the 25th Ohio, 4th Pennsylvania and 1st North Carolina Union Volunteers.
We marched to the little crossroads town of Hamilton,NC to an earthern fort the Rebs called Fort Branch, where we engaged the enemy in a hot battle..
After skirmishers were thrown out to feel for the enemy, Col Bull marched us into battle, marching from the rebs left flank, doing a right wheel we were engaged in a hot fight in which the enemy fell back toward the fort...
Sensing the rebs were about to break, Col bull marched us through a fence line where we poured hot lead upon the enemy in a steady and determined manner....
Here as I watched our men engaged, I have never been prouder of any troops in my life. Not one man waivered in his duty even as their comrades began to fall all around them..
Then came the breaking point for the rebs as Col Bull called out "Charge Bayonets". The men preformed an excellent charge,driving our foes through the fort and on to Willianston, and taking the fort..
Our causalities were light considering the fight,3 men from our company were killed,and 2 wounded...
I will say that the promotion accorded Sgt Frank,could not have fell on an abler man. He is an excellent soldier. If I am accorded the honor to lead these men in battle again, I will look upon the opportunity with gladness...All followed orders as expected and did an excellent job....

Captain John Siemers
1st North Carolina Union Volunteers