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A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

I meant to get this in the newsletter, but forgot. But, at the annual meeting in January, it has been proposed that we consider voting on a Federal designation for our unit. Here is the proposal:

Dear Sirs,

During the Manassas campaign, I had discussions with Chaplain Woodall regarding his previous discussions with you regarding a Union designation for the 28th, when galvanized. He impressed upon me the importance of finding a unit that had not engaged the 28th NC directly.

David revealed that he is a native of Northeast Ohio... as am I. We briefly talked about the history of the 29th Ohio, which was recruited from throughout NE Ohio, including both of our counties.
I have researched the potential engagements in question for the 29th Ohio and have not found any direct confrontation between the 29th OVI and the 28th NC. The only possible encounters they could have had would be Cedar Mountain and Chancellorsville... and I did not find any evidence for such a direct encounter. After Gettysburg (where the 29th was on Culp's Hill), they were transferred west with the XII corps and became the XX corps. They participated in Sherman's March and ended up in the Bentonville campaign, but were held in reserve and did not participate in any action. Therefore, based on my survey of the action, I do not see any evidence that the two units engaged each other directly.

To the best of my knowledge, currently there is a Company G and maybe a Company B. I am not aware of a re-enacting unit, Company I... which was recruited from Ashtabula and Summit County, which I believe would cover the regions for David and I.

My ancestors served as Captain, Co. A... and eventually Colonel... and another as Sgt., Co. K.

In light of Chaplain Woodall's connection to NE Ohio, as well as mine... in view of the honorable service of the 29th Ohio.... and in view of the fact that I can find no evidence for a direct assault by one upon the other, I would like to petition for your consideration... the 29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. I designation for our Union service within the hobby.

I appreciate your consideration of my request.

With my compliments,
Brian Horgan
Asst. Surgeon

Re: A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

Any other thoughts or suggestions on this subject?

Re: A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

My "two cents worth"...

I like the idea of selecting a unit for our Federal impression and I am not aware of any reasons to object to the 29th OVI. With two of our members having ties to this unit, and the regiment completing its service in our state (Carolinas Campaign, Bentonville, Goldsboro, Raleigh and Bennett Place), it seems to be a reasonable proposal.

Re: A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

It has been brought to my attention by David Harrill that we vote on the decision on whether to add a Federal designation or not first before choosing a designation. His proposal is to remain the 28th NC only.

Corp Duckworth

Re: A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

No problem, we can do that for the King of the Yankee Killers! All he has to do is make a motion, get a second and, after any discussion, we will vote.

Re: A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

Thank you, Sgt. Frank for your additional feedback. I had not thought about the fact that the 29th OVI had finished its service in North Carolina. That is a nice touch.

As for the unit's decision re: Federal designation, I would agree with some of the other posted sentiments that the members must vote first on the concept of a Federal designation. If the concept is approved, then I would submit for your humble consideration that of the 29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. I.

As previously posted, I have found no direct confrontation between the 28th NC and the 29th OH, which meets Captain Baucom's prime directive in evaluating this option.

As for the service of the 29th OVI, they were men from rural NE Ohio... farmers and tradesmen... who answered the call of their State. They convened and trained in a small country village at the fairgrounds. After 4 months of drill and training, the nearly 1000 members departed camp, on Christmas Day... a significant number never to return. The 29th served honorably from early 1862, in the Shenandoah, at Chancellorsville, at Gettysburg, and thru 1865 and the conclusion at Bennett Place.

I appreciate your consideration of this matter and the potential designation of the 29th OVI, Co. I. As a member of this unit, whose ancestors wore blue... I do understand the potential internal conflicts that galvanization brings about... and I do have my own internal conflicts... however, on a larger scale, I know my representation helps educate the public about the life of our forebearers and the hardships they faced, the courage they displayed, and the honor they earned as Americans... both gray and blue.

Once again, I appreciate your consideration of this proposal.

With my sincerest regards,
Brian Horgan
Asst. Surgeon

Re: A proposal to choose a Federal designation for our unit...

After much passionate discussion, it was decided by a vote of the members present that we would not choose a Federal designation.