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Fort Branch, Nov. 5/6

A reminder for troops attending the event at Fort Branch...Be sure to have your haversacks stocked with rations before leaving camp Saturday morning. Per the current schedule, a morning tactical battle will evolve into the spectator battle at 1:30 PM. If this follows the schedule of the previous year, we will not be returning to camp until after the spectator battle and you will need to carry lunch rations with you.

"An Army travels on its stomach." - Attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte

Re: Fort Branch, Nov. 5/6

Good advice! Thanks Sergeant Frank!

Re: Fort Branch, Nov. 5/6

It looks like it's going to be a nice weekend at the Fort! Highs in the 60's with lows around 40 with clear skies are expected. Lt Cheek and I will be leaving the 28th NCT Yadkin County Headquarters Friday morning. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Please bring both uniforms and be prepared for anything (except wearing our drawers on the outside as Lt Cheek is so fond of doing!)

NCO's, please call your squads and report your findings to Lt Cheek by Thursday night at the latest. Our Saturday night BBQ meal is being provided by the event. Please bring your own provisions for breakfast. We'll have water, apples and peanuts to snack on.

When arriving you must register as we have already sent in the unit registration, $15.00 registration fee if you're eating the BBQ supper, $12.00 if not eating the BBQ supper. The BBQ supper is well worth the price! Bring your plates, forks and cups with you!

I'm looking forward to fighting with our pards in the 38th NCT as well as the 20th NCT at the Fort.

I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Travel safely!

John Baucom
Commanding North Carolina Troops

Re: Fort Branch, Nov. 5/6


Lee Gordon says if we'll portray Federal troops at Ft Branch, he'll only charge us $10 registration and throw in the Saturday night meal for free! What do yo all think?


Re: Fort Branch, Nov. 5/6

FYI...We will be camping as Federal. Their camp is typically located in the woods between the field for spectator parking/sutler town and to the left of the road that leads to the museum (the gate for the road is closed, or usually is).

Re: Fort Branch, Nov. 5/6

Awesome weekend at Ft Branch! And, fyi, Greg converted back to normal rythm without having to go to the hospital, thanks God!