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Jeb Stuart 2011


Talk about Sunday being the best battle! That is an understatement. 2 battles and 2 charges! Not a bad way to wrap up the Jeb Event this weekend.

I wanted to extend my thanks to all the ladies for their hard work at preparing the fine meal Saturday evening as well as for Tamara and the cookies. The cool weather made the meal even finer since it was warm to our stomachs after the cool Virginia mountain air came in.

I'd also like to welcome the new guys this weekend and hope they had fun. I know Nathaniel did a fine job shooting the yanks this weekend.

It was also good having the 24th VA guys fall in with us this weekend. I have not gotten to meet all of them yet, but they are a fine bunch of folks.

Captain "Bee" John did a fine reprisal of General Bee at 1st Manassas. I hope the rebel yells after his Stonewall statement added to the effect!

Hats off to Major Cole really getting everybody in the fighting spirit, I think he had as much fun as we did. "yall are bunch of yelling furies!" I heard him say.

All in all, great event!

Hope to see everybody at Fort Branch.

In the off season, I'll try to start loading photos on the website of our past events this year.

And the Newsletter is going out sometime in October.


Re: Jeb Stuart 2011

How did my pards with the Charlotte Artillery do this weekend, Brian? I wasn't able to make it.

Re: Jeb Stuart 2011

Tim, they did fine, as always, but they would have been better with you there! You were missed!

And, I agree with everything Brian said above! It was a great weekend. The weather was cool and windy, but, in spite of that, we were still talking about how miserable it was up at First Manassas!

Kenny and Nathanial did a super job fighting in their first pitched battle! Welcome to the Mighty 28th NCT, Men!

It was great having Corporal Tony Hine in camp with us all weekend, for the first time in a while. I've really missed those hearty breakfast sandwiches!

And, speaking of food, the Saturday night beef stew and rice meal really hit the spot on a cold, windy night. While Mrs Lori and Miss Corrinna led the effort, they were very ably supported by Andrea, Tamara and Sherri, who helped with all the prep work that went into fixing the delicious supper. Thank you all, ladies! We ate at supper time instead of midnight because of your efforts!

All of you did a spectacular job in the battles Saturday and Sunday! We worked well in our combination Longstreet's Corps and First North Carolina Battalion. I appreciate our First Sergeant, Brian Henderson, stepping up to serve as sergeant-major for our battalion. He kept all that awesome yankee killing power under control and in good order until the commanding officer chose to unleash it!

Our company was reinforced this weekend by our good friends in the New River Rifles. As good as we are, we were much better with their support, and I appreciate them coming out and falling in with us. They are wonderful gentlemen and fearsome fighters! Especially that "Marty" feller!

As always, there is much I have left out, but duty calls and I must close for now. Please continue to add your thoughts and post those pictures!

I thank you all for your support of the Mighty 28th North Carolina Troops!

John Baucom

Re: Jeb Stuart 2011

Why Mr. Duckworth, I had a grand time indeed ! yos, curt