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J.E.B. Stuart

Well, folks, J.E.B. Stuart is this weekend. I hep everyone is turning their thoughts that way!

Does anyone know our Assignment? Blue? Butternut? Mixed?

Re: J.E.B. Stuart

The last plan I heard was Confederate for the weekend.

Re: J.E.B. Stuart

Thanks, Sgt! I will begin packing today, accordingly!

Re: J.E.B. Stuart

I just saw a Facebook post from Capt Rahlo that says that they have plenty of Federals but are badly needing more Confederates at JEB this year!

Re: J.E.B. Stuart

I sure wish I could come down there and add a rifle to the ranks. Have fun boys!

Re: J.E.B. Stuart

I wish you could make it, too, Bill! Sounds like we need all the help we can get!