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Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

Hello all!

First of all, thanks Tim, for getting pictures posted on the website so quickly! I appreciate you coming up to see us!

Next, I appreciate all of you who came out for all the work days that helped get the site in such good shape!

Next, I appreciate everyone who came out on Friday and talked to those thousands of school kids that NEED to know more about their history and heritage! Lt Cheek paid out thousands of dollars in North Carolina currency that he had only received from the State's adjutant General the day before!

Next, I appreciate everyone of you who came out to support the event and the Mighty 28th NC Troops in camp and on the battlefield! Private Bill Shores wins the award for devotion to duty this weekend for making the trip from Pennsylvania to take his place in the ranks! We were also happy to meet the men of the 4th NC Troops, The Iredell Blues, who came from Maryland to fight with us. and the 27th South Carolina Troops, who were at the event for the first time. The Marylanders brought their drummer with them, and it was great to have a beat to march to this weekend! As always, we were supported by our partners and friends of the 63rd North Carolina Troops, who came out in force! The Gallant 63rd carries with them the firepower of an entire brigade! And, I like that! They kept a superior body of those people off of our flanks all weekend with the hot fire they were able to lay down!

As has been the case, lately, I appreciate everyone who stepped up to fill positions in out battalion and company this weekend. As I was the overall Confederate Commander, Lt Cheek served as our company commander, 1st Sergeant Brian Henderson served as my Sergeant Major, and Sgt Jeff Frank served as our company's 1st Sergeant. All did a magnificent job!

The Saturday night supper was a huge hit! Mrs Lori Henderson fixed up a big ginger chicken supper in camp, with rice, peas and carrots, and cornbread! Mrs Anita Woodall assisted in the preparation of the meal. We ate every scrap of it! It was delicious and much appreciated by all the men! Thank you, Mrs Lori and Mrs Anita!

As co-hosts for the Allison's Woods event, we were required to help out with the logistics of having an event of this size. I appreciate everyone who helped with the trash details during the weekend and with the take down of the site on Sunday afternoon. Thanks to those big trailers, we were able to move those tables and chairs to storage rather quickly. My teeth are still chattering from that ride in the trailer, though! Man, that was rough!

The weather was great and the battles were well planned, and, thanks to your efforts, were carried out in fine fashion! I appreciate Robbie Boles and his fine Army of Northern Aggressors, who fought us hard but with respect.

It was a great weekend, and there is much more that can be said for and about it, but duty calls and I must close this correspondence. Please help me by posting your thoughts.

I look forward to seeing you all again at JEB Stuart's birthplace in October!

My highest regards go out to each of you!

John Baucom
Commanding North Carolina Troops

Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

Thanks John. Always a pleasure to see you and Greg, and "old" friends such as the Harrills, Duckworths, and Hendersons, and also to meet new folks like Bill Shores and Bobby Turner. And I aint forgot Jeff Frank, and ZZ Top (John Seagle, John Hovis, and Scott Bumgarner). See you guys at JEB. (We'll be Federal)

Tim Sheppard
Charlotte Artillery

Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

We would like to thank the members of the 28thNC for all of the hard work on the workdays prior to the big event and the wonderful cleanup done afterwards.
Emails from public and reenactors are coming in thanking everyone for the hard work and dedication put into the event and they cannot wait until next year.

Please send a copy of this to members of the 28thh as we do not have emails for most of them.

Thanks again,

Dennis & Selena

Selena R. Goodin

Chairman/Executive Director


Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!


It is our honor and pleasure to be a part of the Allison's Woods event! We all had a great time!

John Baucom
28th NC Troops

Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

Does anyone have a picture of Corporal ( Sam ) Turner, Colonel Baucom's personal guard on Sunday they can email me?
John, Greg thanks for allowing Samuel to participate Sunday. He really enjoyed it. First time to carry a gun onto the battlefield.Thanks for assisting with the "equipment" malfunction also.

Pvt Turner

Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

Hey Pvt Turner!

I will try to find a picture with the Corporal of the Guard Sam Turner in it and get it posted. He did a great job as I came through that sanguinary battle unscathed! It was good to see y'all, I hope y'all can make it up to JEB.

John Baucom

Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

Bobby, I tried sending a picture to you at Turner, Bobby and it bounced back to me. Do you have a different email address?


Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

you probably sent it to my old work address.I retired from there in August. Use Thanks for trying!
Pvt Turner

Re: Allison's Woods 2011 Campaign!

Are we Confederate or yanks at Jeb Stuart's?