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Bost Grist Mill this weekend 9-9 to 9-11

It looks like it's gonna be a beautiful weekend down at the old grist mill! If you ain't already registered, it ain't too late! The walk on fee is the same as the preregistration--$10. Supper Saturday night is included!

Please come out and support your unit if at all possible!

John H.E. Baucus
Commanding Federal Troops

Re: Bost Grist Mill this weekend 9-9 to 9-11

Doug Wright says:

Weather is really looking good this weekend. Gene Bost said it hardly rained at the mill yesterday and they worked through what little rain they had. Sutlers and some individuals will be setting up tomorrow-Wednesday and most of the 30th will be on site by Thursday evening. Anyone close by who wants to set up early, come on out Thursday and set up.

Re: Bost Grist Mill this weekend 9-9 to 9-11

It was a great weekend! I appreciate all of you who came out to the Mill. I had a lot of fun and hope all of you did! Everyone did a great job in camp and on the field, but I want to mention how good it was to have Greg back with us! He did double duty by serving as our battalion adjutant as well as company commander for the event. He did us proud on Sunday morning by leading the dress parade for the combined CSA and USA Armies! First Sgt Brian Henderson did an awesome job stepping up to serve as Sergeant Major for our battalion! And Sgt Jeff Frank stepped up and did a great job as our company's First Sergeant all weekend! Jeff also provided the water that our unit enjoyed all weekend. Thank you all, Men!

It was a great weekend for recruiting for the Mighty 28th! We talked to four very interested men, two of whom fell in with us for a battle just to see what it's like. I think those two are hooked, for sure! Two other men are considering trying out the hobby at Allison's Woods or JEB. I appreciate all of you for helping out with the recruiting! We were double and triple teaming these guys a lot of times!

The battles and the tactical were all well done and I enjoyed them all! Even though we were scripted to lose on Sunday, I thought it was the best battle of the weekend. The deployments were good, the men performed admirably, and we even took the scenario over the 30 minute requested minimum time limit!

Even though we missed Mrs Lori and Corrina this weekend, she was thinking about us and sent homemade biscuits and peach preserves for us to enjoy. They were delicious and much appreciated! She will be preparing our dinner at Allison's Woods, so I'm looking forward to that!

I could say much more, and I'm sure I left something out that I need to say, but, duty calls and I must report to my day job! I hope all of you will post your thoughts!

Next weekend will be a busy one for us! On Saturday, part of our company will be on detached duty in Yadkinville at the Harvest Festival, recruiting and sharing our pride in our heritage, while the rest of us are at Allison's Woods, portraying that heritage! I hope we can all be together for Sunday's events at the Woods.

See you at Allison's Woods!

I humbly thank you all for your support of our unit!

John Baucom

Re: Bost Grist Mill this weekend 9-9 to 9-11


The Charlotte Artillery had a great time this weekend serving under General Baucom. Photos have been uploaded to the gallery. All action photos taken by my wife Donna (I was too busy fightin' them seceshes). See you at JEB!

Tim Sheppard
Charlotte Artillery

Re: Bost Grist Mill this weekend 9-9 to 9-11

Thanks, Tim! It was a pleasure to serve with y'all for a change! Y'all looked and sounded good! I appreciate you posting the pictures!
