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150th Shiloh!


I have in received a communication from the Adjutant of the Army of Tennessee requesting to know our intentions regarding participating in next year's reenactment of the Battle of Shiloh. Here are the links for information about the event:

Our pards in the 24th VA are planning to go as Federals for this event, falling in with the The Army of the French Broad. They have reserved a bus and have invited any of us that would like to go to ride along with them. The bus will hold 56 people and they are about half way there. They anticipate that $100 per person will cover the bus expense if they can fill it up. They will get on the bus in Virginia and then come to meet us in NC at a prearranged location.

I was fortunate to be able to participate in the 135th Shiloh in 1996. Yes, that was the year it rained. And rained. And the event got cancelled after the Saturday morning tactical. But, I have never regretted going. The site seeing was fabulous, the numbers of troops was HUGE. It was the best tactical I've ever had the pleasure of doing! 300 sutlers, if I remember correctly.

So, it looks like we need to take a good look at committing to the event, or not, before our meeting in January. Please look at the information and let's talk about this at our next few upcoming events.

Thank you,

John Baucom